This section contains information on scholarships that are offered for southern Maryland students by local organizations and businesses. Many organizations tell us that alot of money goes unawarded because they do not receive applications. We recommend that students and parents in need of financial aid invest the time to apply for as many scholarships as needed. Your chances may even be better with the lesser known funds.
If your local business or organization offers a scholarship for southern Maryland students, and you are not listed here, please contact us with the applicable information. If you have an application form and do not have a website from which people can download it, we will be happy to host your form for you. Just send it to us in WORD or PDF format and we'll do the rest.
Charles County Scholarship Fund, Inc.
5980 Radio Station Road
P.O. Box 2770
La Plata,
Contact via E-Mail
View Map via:
Google Maps :
The Charles County Scholarship Fund, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides scholarships to Charles County high school seniors. The Charles County Commissioners, Charles County Public Schools, the College of Southern Maryland, and the Chamber of Commerce, are always represented on the Scholarship Fund Board. Other members of the Board are selected from the community at large.Applications are sent annually to each of the high schools in Charles County. Seniors should see their counselor or the Career Center Coordinator for additional information and application forms. The deadline for applying for these scholarships is March 1 of each year.
[ Last Updated: 04-Feb-2016 | Hits: 572 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Maryland Grain Producers Scholarships
The Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board (MGPUB) awards deserving students enrolled in a Maryland or out-of-state institution with $2,500 scholarships. Funded with Maryland grain check off funds, the scholarships provide financial support to students interested in pursuing a career in agriculture. The scholarships will be awarded to Maryland residents who are enrolled in or accepted by a four-year institution and working toward a BS degree, or students enrolled in or accepted by a two-year institution with an agricultural program. The selections will be based on agricultural background, family farm involvement, financial need, grade point average, agriculture related studies, career goals, and extra curricular activities. Applicants or the applicant’s immediate family must be involved in the production of grain. For an application, contact Lynne Hoot at 410-956-5771 or download an application at[ Last Updated: 29-Jul-2007 | Hits: 293 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Navmar Applied Sciences College Scholarship
Navmar Applied Sciences Corporation offers interested high school students the ability to apply for a $1,000.00 College Scholarship. Visit the website to download the application.[ Last Updated: 01-May-2011 | Hits: 942 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Scholarships Offered by SMECO
1-888-440-3311 x4480
SMECO offers four $1,500 college scholarships to high school seniors who live and attend school in SMECO's service area. To get an application, see your school career counselor, call SMECO at 1-888-440-3311, extension 4480, or download it from the SMECO website.[ Last Updated: 12-Mar-2015 | Hits: 972 | Reader Comments Report Problem
St. Mary's Hospital Foundation Healthcare Scholarships
Are you interested in a healthcare career? The St. Mary's Hospital (SMH) Foundation can help you achieve your educational goals! Since 2001, the Foundation has been awarding scholarships to Southern Maryland candidates interested in pursuing a nursing career.Among other qualifications, you must be a resident of Charles, St. Mary's, or Calvert county; and you must commit to working at SMH for at least 24 months.
Please visit the website for more information and an application.
[ Last Updated: 31-Jan-2007 | Hits: 392 | Reader Comments Report Problem
VMDAEC Educational Scholarship Foundation
High school seniors in Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative's service area can apply for college scholarships from the Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives (VMDAEC) Educational Scholarship Foundation.To be eligible for a VMDAEC scholarship, students in Southern Maryland must be entering college as a freshman, and their parents or guardians must be SMECO customer-members. As part of the application process, students must provide one-page, double-spaced personal statements about themselves, their goals, and their need for financial assistance. The scholarships are $500 each. The Educational Scholarship Foundation awarded 30 scholarships in 2004 and 35 scholarships in 2005.
To find out more, and to download an application, visit the website.
[ Last Updated: 31-Jan-2007 | Hits: 563 | Reader Comments Report Problem