Maryland Grain Producers Scholarships
The Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board (MGPUB) awards deserving students enrolled in a Maryland or out-of-state institution with $2,500 scholarships. Funded with Maryland grain check off funds, the scholarships provide financial support to students interested in pursuing a career in agriculture. The scholarships will be awarded to Maryland residents who are enrolled in or accepted by a four-year institution and working toward a BS degree, or students enrolled in or accepted by a two-year institution with an agricultural program. The selections will be based on agricultural background, family farm involvement, financial need, grade point average, agriculture related studies, career goals, and extra curricular activities. Applicants or the applicant’s immediate family must be involved in the production of grain. For an application, contact Lynne Hoot at 410-956-5771 or download an application at[ Last Updated: 29-Jul-2007 | Hits: 298 | Reader Comments Report Problem