VMDAEC Educational Scholarship Foundation
High school seniors in Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative's service area can apply for college scholarships from the Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives (VMDAEC) Educational Scholarship Foundation.To be eligible for a VMDAEC scholarship, students in Southern Maryland must be entering college as a freshman, and their parents or guardians must be SMECO customer-members. As part of the application process, students must provide one-page, double-spaced personal statements about themselves, their goals, and their need for financial assistance. The scholarships are $500 each. The Educational Scholarship Foundation awarded 30 scholarships in 2004 and 35 scholarships in 2005.
To find out more, and to download an application, visit the website.
[ Last Updated: 31-Jan-2007 | Hits: 572 | Reader Comments Report Problem