Dashiell Hammett (5) Dashiell Hammett (1894-1961) is an acclaimed mystery writer who was born in St. Mary's County. One of his many famous works is The Maltese Falcon.
Tom Clancy (2) Southern Maryland's most famous contemporary writer. Mr. Clancy was a resident of Calvert County.
50 Ways to Impress Your Girlfriend's Parents
Local author Trevor Bothwell share his best recipes. [ More info ]
[ Last Updated: 08-Feb-2016 | Hits: 276 | Reader Comments Report Problem
By Aleck Loker. "A Matter of Space is a highly entertaining adventure story about a young boy's accidental introduction to the exciting world of flight test, and later his first-hand exploration of colonial history. Aleck has created a very interesting blend of science, engineering and archaeology that readers young and old will enjoy." —Captain Roger D. Hill, USN Ret., former test pilot and Commander of the Naval Air Station at Patuxent River. [ More info & photo ]
[ Last Updated: 08-Feb-2016 | Hits: 218 | Reader Comments Report Problem
A Most Convenient Place : Leonardtown, Maryland, 1650-1950
By Aleck Loker. This book resulted from a request by the Leonardtown Commissioners to document the history of the town as a millennium project.
Aleck Loker is a ninth-generation Maryland native who knows and loves history. He attended the College of William and Mary in Virginia where I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics in 1964. After college, he enjoyed a thirty-three year career at the Naval Air Station, Patuxent River, Maryland. In his Navy career, he achieved recognition for innovative work that was widely published. His collaboration with Naval test pilots and engineers spanned virtually every facet of the aircraft flight test work at the Patuxent Navy base. He served as the Executive Director of the Naval Air Station during his last three years with the Navy. Along the way, he studied local history and published numerous articles in magazines and in the Chronicles of St. Mary's, a publication of the St. Mary's County Historical Society. His first book-length work was the popular "A Most Convenient Place, Leonardtown, Maryland 1650-1950," which has gone into the second printing. His first novel, "A Matter of Space," reflects his strong affection for the important work done by the Navy at Patuxent River Naval Air Station and the equally important work of the archaeologists, historians, interpreters and staff at Historic St. Mary's City. That book is also available on Amazon.com Aleck Loker and his wife live in Williamsburg, Virginia. He is currently working: on a series of children's stories; an account of the English settlements at Roanoke Island, North Carolina; a biography "Fearless Captain: the Adventures of John Smith" (available on Amazon.com); and a second novel.
[ More info ][ Last Updated: 08-Feb-2016 | Hits: 542 | Reader Comments Report Problem
[ Last Updated: 08-Feb-2016 | Hits: 274 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Daughter of Isis
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The Middle East has witnessed the birth of many civilizations. It has also been the cradle of many clashes of cultures. About 3000 years ago, the Egyptian empire extended from the Sudan to the Mediterranean Sea. But at the end of the 21st dynasty, this magnificent kingdom was threatened by very disturbing forces from both inside and outside the Kingdom. The Nubians, the Hittites, the Assyrians, the incipient Greek kingdoms, and the Sea People were jealous of the Empire of the Pharaohs. Lizla is a beautiful royal princess, whose destiny is to save the country from division and chaos. She is also very psychic, and her spiritual experiences provide guidance, wisdom, and subtle but intense initiation into the ways of love, beauty, spiritual awakening, political power, and friendship. The times called for much understanding of different traditions. She learns about diversity and patriotic loyalty. Her ultimate purpose is given to her by the goddess Isis herself: to discover the ancient mysteries that stood at the root of Egyptian culture and were the basis for their wisdom and knowledge. This book depicts the princess's preparation for this fascinating mission as well as her initiation into the mysteries in her own heart. [ More info & photo ]
[ Last Updated: 08-Feb-2016 | Hits: 153 | Reader Comments Report Problem
[ Last Updated: 27-Dec-2018 | Hits: 166 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Egypt Through An American Woman's Eyes
By local author Nancy Rowe Lattif, who was born and raised in Lexington Park, St. Mary's Co.
This story tells about the people and culture of Egypt from a first-time perspective with a touch of romance. The reader will hear, feel, taste, and smell all that is mysterious to the people of the Western World. Try to imagine flying alone across the Atlantic Ocean for the first time to meet your fiancé face to face knowing that the customs of a Middle Eastern country are far different than what is known in the U.S. And a legend or two, rumors, and beliefs are finally explained. Come experience Egypt!
[ More info ][ Last Updated: 21-Feb-2016 | Hits: 155 | Reader Comments Report Problem
[ Last Updated: 08-Feb-2016 | Hits: 185 | Reader Comments Report Problem
For They Know Not What They Do: Two Novellas
Let Me Die: Zack Mitchell finds himself unwillingly pulled into solving his best friend Joel Thomas' cause of death. Eighteen-year old Ronald Blaine, a black man with a storied past, trying desperately to break from gang inclusion and claw his way out of poverty, claims he was acting in self-defense when he shot Joel on a dark street in a poorer section of Las Vegas. Zack is asked by Joel's widower to attend Ronald's arraignment. During his trip to Las Vegas, where there once was a garden of racial anger and rage, a seed of doubt is sewn.
For They Know Not What They Do: Bill Baxter, racked with emphysema, dies at the foot of a cross while trying to cleanse his guilt for an act committed during his senior year at a Maryland Catholic high school. To further make amends, Bill leaves the majority of his inheritance to Margaret Chase, a deeply religious cleaning lady who works at Baxter Satellite. Sam Baxter, Bill's ruthless brother and C.E.O. of Baxter Satellite, works furiously to deny Margaret her just inheritance.
[ More info ][ Last Updated: 21-Feb-2016 | Hits: 163 | Reader Comments Report Problem
[ Last Updated: 21-Feb-2016 | Hits: 174 | Reader Comments Report Problem