Everything I Know About Dating, I Learned in Kindergarten by Curt Degenhart
Explode your dating world. Reject all the rules, motherly advice, insipid ideas about what guys want, and other pop schlock. The time is now for a total annihilation of how you think about dating and relationships. This ain't gonna be easy.
Friends or Lovers? The Brother Phenomenon by Curt Degenhart
What happens when you want to ask a friend out on a date, but you're scared you'll hear, "No, thanks"? What can you do when potential mates think of you less like a lover and more like a brother? This time out, we address the issue of what happens when you're perceived to be more fit for friendship than dating.
Is This the One? by Curt Degenhart
What's a reliable way to know if someone's right for you? There isn't one. How do you know for sure if you're ready to settle down? Who knows? Believe me, I've been trying to figure out these issues for myself for some time now, and it is difficult. Who hasn't had a nagging feeling like, "Is this the one for me?" Maybe you've got a great relationship going until you finally get down to the decision to move in together. Then you get weak-kneed, anxious, and stressed. Or what about marriage: "Oh my god! Marriage! Is that where we're headed?"
Love or Lust? Ten things to do on a Saturday night by Coco Helado
Figuring out what to do on a Saturday night is the easy bit. The hard part is avoiding misunderstandings about what it is you're really after. Whether it's everlasting love or burning lust, you'll want to tailor your plans accordingly. The following guidelines should help you clearly and effectively convey your true intentions.
Top Ten List of Flirting Tips by Fran Greene