Southern Maryland Secular Humanists
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Secular Humanists are distinguished by an emphasis on critical thinking and scientific methods of knowing, promotion of separation of church and state, and a commitment to the pursuit of humanist goals outside of religious frameworks. We are a group for non-theists, atheists, agnostics, doubters, free-thinkers, rationalists, skeptics and other like-minded individuals who are interested in exploring what it means to be "Good Without God." The main focus of the group will to be to build a sense of community for the Nones in Southern Maryland through discussion groups, lectures, social activities and family-friendly events, as well as promoting a spirit of volunteerism and giving back to the community. There's no cost to join. Most of our events are free. All of our meetings are scheduled on our Meetup page and announced on our Facebook page.[ Last Updated: 05-Aug-2015 | Hits: 47 | Reader Comments Report Problem