Southern Maryland Emmaus
PO Box 1242
Contact via E-Mail
Welcome to Southern Maryland Emmaus! We're an active 4th Day community serving Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, Howard, Montgomery, Prince Georges, and St. Mary's counties.The Walk to Emmaus is grounded theologically and institutionally in The Upper Room ministry unit of the General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church.
To get involved in Emmaus, each person must have a sponsor who has already attended Emmaus him- or herself. If you have a friend who has been to Emmaus, ask your friend to tell you about his or her experience with the program.
We currently have over 125 active members in our community. Our multi-county area is divided into three Local Communities serving the northern, central and southern regions of southern Maryland. We meet on a monthly basis, and have numerous Accountability Groups established throughout our area.
[ Last Updated: 03-Oct-2007 | Hits: 273 | Reader Comments Report Problem