Please note that Private Schools typically follow the guidance of their public counterparts in their respective county.
If you ever encounter any incorrect information, please be kind and use the “Report Problem” link to let us know so we can fix it for the good of the community. You can remain anonymous.
Calvert County School Closing Information
Families can learn about school closures and delays through the media and school system announcements. Sign up for School Messenger Notifications to get phone calls, emails, and text messages about school closings, delays, and early dismissals. A list of television and radio stations that announce school closures is available on the Parent page.[ Last Updated: 20-Jan-2016 | Hits: 1379 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Charles County School Closing Information
301-934-7410 (Info Line)
301-932-6656 (Info Line)
If weather conditions pose a potential hazard to students, school officials may dismiss students early, delay the opening of schools or close schools for the day. If conditions require the closing or delayed opening of schools, decisions are usually made by 5 a.m. The most reliable sources of school closing information are the school system's 24-hour information line and website, The 24-hour information line is 301-934-7410/301-932-6656. If possible, decisions are made the preceding evening. Charles County Public Schools also uses its notification system, Blackboard Connect, to send email notification to parents with a valid email address on file with their child's school. Television and radio stations are also notified.Notification by email/text message: Receive free email and text message notification from the Citizen Notification Service (CNS). Visit to sign up. Select Charles County Public Schools notifications.
[ Last Updated: 20-Jan-2016 | Hits: 8492 | Reader Comments Report Problem
College of Southern Maryland School Closing Information
301-369-1999 (Closing Hotline)
800-650-4023 (Closing Hotline)
The referenced page,, provides complete details about CSM Weather Closings and Delayed Openings. It also provides a complete list of option on how you can be notified: from TV and radio, to online, to receiving automated text messages or emails.
You can also call the CSM Emergency Closing Hotline at 301-369-1999 or 800-650-4023.
Online, you can check at, or on Schools Out.
Register to receive texts or emails at Schools Out or CSM.TXT.
[ Last Updated: 27-Jan-2016 | Hits: 2984 | Reader Comments Report Problem
St. Mary's County Public School Closing Information
All current closing, delay, or emergency information is listed on this page. Information is provided via You can sign up to get alerts via e-mail.
You can also check on the school system's official website at Unofficial updates are also typically available on their Twitter page @smcps_md.
The school does not have a telephone hotline the last time we checked.
[ Last Updated: 30-Jan-2016 | Hits: 12641 | Reader Comments Report Problem