Grace & Peace Presbyterian Church
22646 Benswood Road
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If you visit with us, you will be joining with us in the most important of all human activities: the worship of the living God. It is our sincere hope and prayer that you will find your worship experience to be encouraging, challenging, and invigorating, renewing you in the knowledge of God and the wonderful hope that we have through the Gospel of Christ. Most of all, we hope that God will be glorified by the worship we render to him.Each Lord's Day (Sunday) Pastor Edd Cathey leads us in classical Christ-centered worship of the Triune God. In this worship we meet with God at His call, confess our sins and receive his grace and blessing. God speaks to us in the reading and preaching of His word, and we respond in praise and obedient love. We frequently celebrate the Lord's Supper, in which we share in the body and blood of Jesus in the elements of communion by faith through the Holy Spirit.
Worship at Grace and Peace Presbyterian Church is: Recognized as an initiative of the Trinity; God-Centered; Dialogical; Covenantal; Objective; Formal and Reverent; Corporate and Participatory; and Historic and Reformed.
Sunday Worship is at 10:00 am.
[ Last Updated: 25-Jun-2010 | Hits: 427 | Reader Comments Report Problem