Beit Chaverim Congregation
PO Box 1867
Prince Frederick,
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Our mission is to encourage participation in social and religious practices that support the beliefs and principles of Judaism. The Congregation seeks to provide an inspirational setting for religious services, foster Jewish education, and create a warm, nurturing environment that supports the life cycle events of its members. We seek to be responsive to the needs of our members and to foster the spirit of community that provides friendship, creates a sense of belonging, and advocates the development of a personal Jewish experience.
We emphasize that the family is the basic unit of our membership; that men and women have true equality in our congregation; that non-Jewish members are welcomed and accepted as members of the congregation (although there are some restrictions on their participation in terms of ritual observance); and that, to be Jews we must "confirm" ourselves as Jews—we are really only truly Jewish if we actively choose to live our lives in keeping with Jewish traditions and principles.
We likewise emphasize individual membership for single congregants as well as for the Jewish partner in a mixed marriage in which the non-Jewish partner does not choose to become a member of the congregation.
[ Last Updated: 27-Aug-2018 | Hits: 744 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Beth Israel Synagogue
21780 Bunker Hill Drive
P.O. Box 1683
Lexington Park,
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We are a Conservative Jewish congregation serving the needs of the entire Jewish community. We offer Hebrew school, Bar and Bat Mitzvah training and Adult education classes as well as regular worship services. For more information please leave your name and number on our answering machine. Your call will be returned promptly.[ Last Updated: 13-Jul-2007 | Hits: 971 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Congregation Sha'are Shalom
18 Henry Ford Circle
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Congregation Sha'are Shalom ("Gates of Peace") was founded in 1990 as an independent organization to meet the religious and educational needs of a growing diverse Jewish population in Southern Maryland and to provide the means through which we could share our cultural and social identity. With Charles County being the focal point for the significant growth in this area, the congregation established its presence in Waldorf.
One person's idea to provide a Jewish presence in Southern Maryland has evolved into a Reform congregation providing a full range of religious and social events for our membership and the Jewish population in the community at large.
[ Last Updated: 27-Apr-2016 | Hits: 865 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Congregation Shaare Tikvah
50 Post Office Road
FAX: 301-855-0226
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A Conservative, egalitarian congregation founded in 1965 which is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ). We offer our membership children's services once a month, United Synagogue Youth (USY) services once a month, an accredited USCJ Religious School two days a week, adult education classes, Bar/Bat Mitzvah tutoring, senior citizens programs, an Over 50 Club chapter, a Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs chapter, A Women's League Sisterhood chapter, a United Synagogue Youth chapter, an annual Scholar-In-Residence Program and an USCJ list server to disseminate critical information via the Internet.[ Last Updated: 28-Oct-2009 | Hits: 554 | Reader Comments Report Problem