Springfield VA, Interchange Improvement Project
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Everyday 430,000 vehicles pass through the Springfield Interchange, where I-95, 395 and 495 come together. During a two-year study, the interchange logged 179 accidents - making it the most dangerous spot on the 64-mile Capital Beltway. To improve traffic flow, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is preparing to rebuild the interchange making it safer for commuters and long-distance travelers. The improvement project will take up to 8 years to complete. The project consists of building more than 50 bridges and widening I-95 to 24 lanes between the Beltway and Franconia Road.[ Last Updated: 27-May-2003 | Hits: 83 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Woodrow Wilson Bridge Project
The Woodrow Wilson Bridge Project area is a 7.5 mile corridor beginning in Maryland and connecting to Virgina by a bridge over the Potomac River. The project consists of the replacement of the existing bridge and the upgrading of four interchanges to ease traffic congestion within the project area.[ Last Updated: 27-May-2003 | Hits: 88 | Reader Comments Report Problem