College Soccer (2) |
Calvert Elite Soccer
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Calvert Elite was founded by a small group of like minded soccer coaches in 2010 with the objective to provide the best tactical and technical training for players and teams in the Southern Maryland area.As our coaching staff and team base grew, it became painfully obvious that there was no local soccer club that understood how to provide the right environment/culture to consistently breed elite players or teams. We found that this was mostly due to boards that were staffed with parent volunteers that were either uneducated (about soccer at the highest level, much less how to get players there), or only there to push a personal agenda.
So, in 2013…due to popular demand and out of pure necessity, Calvert Elite founded Calvert Elite Soccer Club (a US Club Soccer member club).
Calvert Elite Soccer Club is not a volunteer staffed club. CESC is run by a professional staff of elite soccer coaches that work as a team to provide the best environment to produce elite players and teams. Warning: CESC is for players that want to develop into Elite Players only! We are not a recreational program, nor will we ever be. To join our ranks is to join a well oiled machine that has proven results. There is no a-la-cart option here. You are either in, or you are out.
[ Last Updated: 26-Aug-2014 | Hits: 1065 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Calvert Soccer Association, Inc.
PO Box 488
Prince Frederick,
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Calvert Soccer Association is a volunteer, non-profit organization, that was organized in 1984 to provide an opportunity to play soccer for the youngsters of Calvert County, Maryland, USA. We serve over 900 children. CSA is successful only because of volunteer coaches, team managers and organizers. If you'd like to volunteer, CSA needs you. You can also become a soccer referee.[ Last Updated: 05-May-2010 | Hits: 4404 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Indian Head Soccer Association
Bryans Road,
703-928-3779 (Day)
301-283-3961 (Eve)
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IHSA is a recreational sports program. Our purpose is to provide an opportunity for Indian Head and surrounding areas to participate in soccer within designated age divisions, and to learn fundamental soccer skills and good sportsmanship. Children of local residents, ages 5-17, are eligible to participate in IHSA. The phone numbers listed are for the president, Dione Conley.[ Last Updated: 03-May-2011 | Hits: 1280 | Reader Comments Report Problem
La Plata Youth Soccer Association
P.O. Box 1552
La Plata,
(301) 609-7800
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The mission of the La Plata Youth Soccer Association is to offer the tremendous benefits of soccer to the youth of Southern Maryland. Fun, physical conditioning, teambuilding, friends and competition are just some of the many benefits. An extensive in-house recreational league forms the core of our program, with over 500 children playing soccer in both the Spring and Fall seasons.[ Last Updated: 03-Jul-2006 | Hits: 2704 | Reader Comments Report Problem
St. Mary's Coed Soccer
Great Mills,
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Come on out and join us for some soccer. We play from 1:00-5:30 pm, Sundays at Chancellor's Run Recreation center, usually on Field's #1 & #3. Our season runs from April through the beginning of December (weather permitting).[ Last Updated: 18-Jun-2007 | Hits: 3158 | Reader Comments Report Problem
St. Mary's Soccer
P.O. Box 802
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SMYS, an independent league, is affiliated with the Maryland State Youth Soccer Association (MSYSA) and the St. Mary’s County Department of Recreation and Parks to provide soccer programs to help county children develop and grow through participation in soccer. SMYS shall adhere to the rules and regulations of the MSYSA. The organization is designed to teach children the fundamentals of soccer, the principles of good sportsmanship, the responsibility of team participation, and to have fun. SMYS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.[ Last Updated: 29-Aug-2014 | Hits: 845 | Reader Comments Report Problem
Waldorf Soccer Club
P.O. Box 314
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Youth outdoor soccer (5 to 19 years old).[ Last Updated: 01-Nov-2006 | Hits: 3653 | Reader Comments Report Problem