Mechanicsville man convicted of felony sex abuse of a minor

Randy Thomas Dindlebeck, 27, of Mechanicsville, Md. (Booking photo) Randy Thomas Dindlebeck, 27, of Mechanicsville, Md. (Booking photo)

LEONARDTOWN, Md. (May 18, 2023)—State's Attorney Jaymi Sterling announced that a St. Mary's County jury convicted Randy Thomas Dindlebeck, 27, of Mechanicsville, MD, on all counts, including sex abuse of a minor and third-degree sex offense, stemming from multiple incidents of sexual abuse on the same child between July and September 2021.

State's Attorney Jaymi Sterling said, "No child should ever undergo this horror, and I sincerely hope the verdict provides closure and relief to the victim and family. My office will continue prosecuting these cases vigorously; we are committed to defending our children." Sterling went on to say, "These types of cases are difficult and complicated, and I want to extend my thanks and appreciation to the jury for their time and attention during the trial."

Chief of the Special Victims Unit, Senior Assistant State's Attorney Sarah Proctor, prosecuted the case on behalf of the citizens of St. Mary's County.

Detective Corporal Trevor Teague of St Mary's County Sheriff's Office was the lead investigator.

The St. Mary's County Department of Social Services, Child Protective Services assisted in the investigation.

Mr. Dindlebeck will be held without bond pending a sentencing hearing.

The Honorable Joseph Stanalonis presided over the case.

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