St. Mary's Co. jury convicts Wisconsin man of felony sexual offense of a child

LEONARDTOWN, Md. (May 4, 2023)—State's Attorney Jaymi Sterling announced today that a jury convicted Justin Tyler Dunbar, 34, of Grantsburg, Wisconsin, of three counts of felony sexual offense of a child stemming from events that occurred on October 17, 2022, in St. Mary's County, Maryland.

Following the announcement of the verdict, State's Attorney Jaymi Sterling said, "This terrible event is the epitome of vile and depraved behavior. No child should ever be subjected to sexual abuse. I hope this conviction provides a degree of relief for the victim and those affected by Mr. Dunbar's unforgivable actions. I thank the members of the jury for their time and attention during this trial."

Special Victims Unit Chief, Senior Assistant State's Attorney Sarah Proctor prosecuted the case on behalf of the citizens of St. Mary's County.

Mr. Dunbar has a pending warrant out of Colorado for a separate sexual offense involving another minor child.

The Honorable Joseph M. Stanalonis presided over the case.

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