04/03/2017—A 15-year-old male juvenile of Hollywood and a 15-year-old male juvenile of Leonardtown MD, were arrested and charged with Disruption of School Activities and Affray, while at Leonardtown High School. Both juveniles were arrested and charged by School Resource Officer Corporal G. Maloy. CCN# 18280-17
04/03/2017—A 15-year-old male juvenile of Hollywood was arrested and charged with Disruption of School Activities and a 15-year-old female juvenile of Leonardtown, was arrested for Disruption of School Activities and Assault 2nd Degree while at Leonardtown High School. Both Juveniles were arrested and charged by School Resource Officer Corporal G. Maloy. CCN# 18113-17 and CCN #18137-17
04/16/2017—Deputy V. Pontorno arrested a 16-year-old male juvenile of Lexington Park for theft less $1000, after the juvenile stole a business sign from the Lexington Park business community. CCN# 22605-17
04/21/2017—A 14-year-old male juvenile of Great Mills was arrested for a Weapons Violation on School Property and Disturbing School Activities at Esperanza Middle School. The juvenile was arrested and charged by the School Resource Officer, Corporal C. Hartzell. CCN# 21306-17
04/23/2017—Two, 15-year-old male suspect(s), both of California, were arrested and charged with 2nd Degree Burglary, Trespassing and Property Destruction over $1000. The juveniles were arrested and charged by Deputy D. Holdsworth. CCN# 21682-17
04/24/2017—A 13-year-old female juvenile of Hollywood was arrested and charged with Theft less $1000 and Rogue & Vagabond. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Deputy D. Lawrence. CCN# 21847-17
04/25/2017—A 17-year-old male juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested and charged with Assault 2nd Degree. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Deputy P. Henry. CCN# 19574-17
04/26/2017—14-year-old male juvenile of Mechanicsville was arrested at Chopticon High School for Assault 2nd Degree and Disruption of School Activities. Arrested by School Resource Officer, Corporal A. Holton—CCN# 22214-17
04/26/2017—A 14-year-old female juvenile of California was arrested for Assault 2nd Degree. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Deputy G. Muschette. CCN# 22290-17
04/28/2017—A 12-year-old male juvenile of Great Mills was arrested for Assault 2nd Degree and 4th Degree Sex Offense. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Deputy S. Bowie. CCN# 22668-17
04/28/2017—A 16-year-old male juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Theft less $100 from a local business. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Deputy V. Pontorno. CCN# 22596-17
04/28/2017—A 17-year-old male juvenile of California was arrested and charged with Assault 2nd Degree. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Deputy P. Robinson. CCN# 22589-17
04/30/2017—A 7-year-old male juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Malicious Destruction of Property. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Deputy First Class R. Steinbach. CCN# 23018-17
05/01/2017—Deputy D. Holdsworth arrested a 7-year-old male juvenile and a 9-year-old female juvenile both of Lexington Park, for Assault 2nd Degree and Disturbing School Operations. Both of the suspects engaged in a verbal altercation while on a school bus that turned into a physical altercation. CCN# 23163-17
05/11/2017—A 17-year-old male juvenile, of Lexington Park was arrested for Assault 2nd Degree. CCN# 25004-17—Arrested by Deputy G. Muschette
05/12/2017—A 12-year-old male juvenile, of Lexington Park was arrested for Vandalism inside of a residence. CCN# 20380-17—Arrested by Deputy A. Schultz
05/14/2017—A 14-year-old male juvenile and 17-year-old male juvenile, both of California, were arrested for Burglary, Vandalism, and Theft to several California, businesses. CCN# 18642-17—Arrested by Deputy P. Robinson
05/18/2017—A 13-year-old female juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Assault Second Degree at Esperanza Middle School. The juvenile was arrested and charged by School Resource Officer Cpl. C. Hartzell. CCN# 25867-17
05/22/2017—A 13-year-old male juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Assault Second Degree, as well as Disturbance of School Operations at Spring Ridge Middle School. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Cpl. C. Hartzell. CCN# 26089-17
05/22/2017—A 17-year-old female juvenile of Lexington Park was issued a juvenile civil citation for Possession of Marijuana by Cpl. J. Stone. CCN# 27046-17
05/23/2017—A 13-year-old male juvenile of Leonardtown was arrested for Second Degree Assault by Cpl. J. Davis. CCN#27716-17
05/23/2017—A 13-year-old male juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Assault Second Degree, as well as Disturbance of School Operations at Spring Ridge Middle School. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Cpl. C. Hartzell. CCN# 26089-17
05/25/2017—A 16-year-old female juvenile of Drayden was arrested for Assault Second Degree and Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Dep. P Henry. CCN#27793-17
05/26/2017—A 10-year-old male juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Assault Second Degree. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Cpl. M. Worrey. CCN# 27767-17
05/26/2017—A 13-year-old male juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Second Degree Assault at Esperanza Middle School. The juvenile was arrested and charged by School Resource Officer Cpl. C. Hartzell. CCN# 27716-17
05/26/2017—A 14-year-old female juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Assault Second Degree. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Cpl. M. Worrey. CCN# 27767-17
05/27/2017—A 15-year-old male juvenile of Hollywood was arrested for Assault Second Degree. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Deputy C. Ball. CCN# 27836-17
05/28/2017—A 17-year-old male juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Assault Second Degree. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Cpl. J. Vezzosi. CCN# 28047-17
05/29/2017—A 14-year-old male juvenile of Clements was arrested for Burglary at Dynard Elementary School. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Cpl. E. Johnson. CCN#23953-17
06/02/2017—A 15-year-old male juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Assault Second Degree. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Deputy D. McClure. CCN# 29085-17
06/02/2017—A 16-year-old male juvenile of White Plains was arrested for four counts of Burglary, Vandalism and Theft. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Cpl. D. Alexander. CCN# 28267-17, 28293-17, 28297-17, 28303-17.
06/06/2017—A 12-year-old female juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Assault. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Deputy C. Ball. CCN# 29708-17
06/06/2017—A 16-year-old male juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Assault, Disturb School Operations at Great Mills High School. The juvenile was arrested and charged by School Resource Officer Cpl. K. Nelson. CCN# 29697-17
06/06/2017—A 16-year-old male juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Theft. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Cpl. M. Worrey. CCN# 29733-17
06/06/2017—A 7-year-old male juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Vandalism. The juvenile was arrested and charged by DFC R. Steinbach. CCN# 29746-17
06/06/2017—Two 13-year-old females were arrested for fighting on a school bus by Deputy Carl Ball on 6/6/2017. CASE#29708-17
06/07/2017—A 14-year-old male juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Theft. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Deputy M. McCuen. CCN#29801.
06/07/2017—A 16-year-old male juvenile of Lexington Park was arrested for Theft. The juvenile was arrested and charged by DFC R. Steinbach. CCN# 29806-17
06/07/2017—A 9-year-old male juvenile of California was arrested for five counts of Vandalism. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Dep. D. Holdsworth. CCN# 29916-17,29902-17,29898-17,29989-17,29990-17
06/09/2017—A 16-year-old male juvenile of Leonardtown was arrested and charged with Sex Offense 2nd and 4th Degree and Assault. The juvenile was arrested and charged by Lt. E. Jones CCN# 27846-17