April Holiday Schedule
The County Administrator wishes to remind residents of changes to normal operating schedules for the month of April. All offices, facilities, and services not listed will be operating their normal hours.
Monday, April 10 –Thursday, April 13
• All school based community centers are closed.
• Lackey, Donald M. Wade Aquatic Center, and North Point High indoor pools will be open from 1 p.m.–8 p.m.
Friday, April 14 (Good Friday)
• All Charles County Government offices and the Tri-County Animal Shelter in Hughesville will be closed.
• The Nanjemoy Community Center, senior centers, Port Tobacco Recreation Center and all school based community centers are closed.
• Lackey, Donald M. Wade Aquatic Center, and North Point High indoor pools will be open from 1 p.m.–8 p.m.
• Charles County Public Library is closed (all branches).
• Charles County Department of Health is closed.
Saturday, April 15
• Charles County Public Library is closed (all branches).
• School based community centers are closed.
Sunday, April 16 (Easter)
• Lackey, Donald M. Wade Aquatic Center, and North Point High indoor pools are closed.
• The Crain Memorial Welcome Center is closed.
• Port Tobacco Village (Port Tobacco Courthouse, Burch House, Stagg Hall) is closed.
Monday, April 17
• Lackey, Donald M. Wade Aquatic Center, and North Point High indoor pools will be open from 1 p.m.—8 p.m.
• School based community centers are closed.
For questions about County Government holiday closures, contact the Public Information Office at 301-885-2779 or PressRoom@CharlesCountyMD.gov. Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.
Proposed Hughesville Village Zoning Public Hearing Scheduled for April 10
The Charles County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the proposed new zoning for Hughesville Village on Monday, April 10 at 6 p.m. in the Charles County Government Building (200 Baltimore Street, La Plata).
The purpose of the zoning is to promote a traditional, walkable pattern of development in the village, as envisioned by the Hughesville Village Revitalization Plan, adopted by the County Commissioners in 2007. The new zoning will promote the transformation of Old Leonardtown Road into a pedestrian-friendly "Main Street"; help promote redevelopment of existing properties; allow for supporting residential uses; and promote employment for the village and surrounding area by maintaining existing industrial land for this purpose. The proposed zoning would also encourage village scale and character, by providing pedestrian-friendly storefront design and amenities; providing sidewalks; requiring ample landscaping along the frontage of properties; and generally ensuring that the scale of development is compatible with the existing development in the village.
The new zoning is intended to encourage new development while at the same time, preserve the existing village scale and character. The proposed Hughesville Village Zoning District consists of four Sub-Zones: Core, Gateway, Residential, and Employment.
More information on the proposed zoning and proposed map can be found on the county website at www.CharlesCountyMD.gov/pgm/planning/hughesville-village-revitalization-plan-and-implementation.
Citizens wishing to make oral or written comments are encouraged to attend the public hearing. For more information about the public hearing, contact Amy Blessinger at BlessingA@CharlesCountyMD.gov or 301-645-0650. Citizens with special needs, contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.
VanGO Indian Head Route Changes Effective April 10
The Transit Division would like to notify residents that effective Monday, April 10, VanGO will service the following bus stops by request only:
• Bennsville Road and Bancroft Drive
• Bennsville Road and Eutaw Forest Drive
• Captain Dement Drive and Bennsville Road
Passengers are asked to call 301-609-7917 to arrange transportation.
For updated information visit vango.doublemap.com or call the Department of Planning and Growth Management, Transit Division at 301-934-0642.
Discover Quest World War I Commemoration Highlights Mallows Bay
Other county historic locations featured
Travel back in time to World War I and experience interactive programs highlighting Mallows Bay at the Discover Quest: World War I Commemoration Weekend from Friday, April 21 to Sunday, April 23. The special event commemorates the 100th anniversary of the United States entering World War I.
Program Schedule:
Friday, April 21
College of Southern Maryland (8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata), BI building, Rooms 113 and 114
6 p.m.-8 p.m.
Free admission
• Art exhibit by Charles County Public School students.
• World War I informational panels.
• Engaging presentation by underwater archaeologist Don Shomette.
Saturday, April 22
Mallows Bay Park (1440 Wilson Landing Road, Nanjemoy)
9 a.m.-Dusk
Free admission
• Guided kayak tour through Mallows Bay, a site renowned for the remains of more than 100 wooden steamships, known as the "Ghost Fleet." Guided kayak tours are $40 per person for a 1.5 hour tour. Register for kayak tours online at bit.ly/2lSpWAy or call 301-292-6455 for more details.
• Guided bird tours at 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.
• Fossil dig
• Knot demonstrations
• Archaeological interactive programs
Sunday, April 23
Various Charles County locations will offer World War I and other historic interactive programs:
Rich Hill Historic Site (Rich Hill Farm Road, Bel Alton)
10 a.m.-4 p.m.
• Open house featuring re-enactors, Civil War encampments, archaeological digs, and historical displays.
Mattawoman Creek Art Center (2750 Sweden Point Road, Marbury)
11 a.m.-4 p.m.
• Mixed media World War I art display.
Maryland Veterans Museum at Patriot Park (11000 Crain Highway, Newburg)
11 a.m.- 4 p.m.
• Display honoring those who fought on the World War I battlefields and those who served in support of them.
Dr. Samuel A. Mudd House (3725 Doctor Samuel Mudd Road, Waldorf)
Noon- 4 p.m.
• Guided tour of the famous house, known as the site John Wilkes Booth stopped after he assassinated former President Abraham Lincoln. Tours cost $7 for ages 13 and up, $2 ages 6-12, and free for 5 and under. Tours depart every 30 minutes.
McConchie School House and Fairgrounds Farm Museum (8440 Fairgrounds Road, La Plata)
10 a.m.- 3p.m.
• Tour of the historic one-room school house and learn about Charles County education during World War I.
For more information, visit www.CharlesCountyMD.gov/DiscoverQuest. Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.
Commissioners March Town Hall Meetings
The Charles County Commissioners invite the public to attend the March town hall meeting as scheduled below. The purpose of Commissioner town hall meetings is to take questions from those in attendance and to discuss items of importance to the citizens and the community.
Commissioner Vice President Amanda M. Stewart, M.Ed. (District 3)
Thursday, March 30 at 6:30 p.m.
Waldorf West Library, Room A (10405 O'Donnell Place, Waldorf)
Future town hall meeting dates are available at www.CharlesCountyMD.gov.
Residents are encouraged to email questions to be discussed at the town hall meeting to the Citizen Response Office at CitizenResponse@CharlesCountyMD.gov or call 301-645-0550. Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 866-269-9006.
Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Offers Spring Break Activities
The Charles County Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism announces upcoming activities for spring break:
Spring Break Swim (Monday, April 10- Friday, April 14; and Monday, April 17)
Visit one of our indoor pools between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. and pay only $2 admission per person. Children ages 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult 16 or older. Visit www.charlescountyparks.com/recreation/aquatics-general-information to find a pool near you.
Elite Gymnastics Drop-In Days (Monday, April 10- Thursday, April 13)
Daily activities include gymnastics instruction, arts and crafts, organized games, and other special projects for children ages 5-14. Campers should bring a bag lunch, drink, and snack daily. The fee is $30 for residents and $35 for non-residents.
Spring Break Camp (Monday, April 10- Thursday, April 13)
Camp is offered at Somers, Wade, and Henson Community Centers. Daily activities include arts and crafts, organized games, and other special projects for children ages 5-14. Campers should bring a bag lunch, drink, and snack daily. The fee is $110/week for residents and $115/week for non-residents.
To register or for more information, call 301-932-3470 or visit www.charlescountyparks.com/recreation/schools-out-programs.
The Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism provides a variety of activities. For a complete list of the spring recreational events and activities, please visit the spring edition of the GUIDE at www.CharlesCountyParks.com, or call 301-932-3470. Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.