The Loffler Senior Activity Center's phone number has changed. To reach the Loffler Senior Activity Center or the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) the new phone number is 301-475-4200. The extensions have not changed and but you must dial a star (*) before the desired extension. For more information, call the Department of Aging & Human Services at 301-475-4200, ext. *1050.
Regulatory Changes to Installation and Maintenance of Septic Systems Announced
The St. Mary's County Health Department's Division of Environmental Health announces regulatory changes to Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) Title 26, Maryland Department of the Environment, Subtitle 04: Regulation of Water Supply, Sewage Disposal and Solid Waste. These regulations relate to the installation and maintenance of septic systems for homes and businesses not utilizing public sewage systems.
Effective November 24, 2016, properties located outside of the 1000-foot Critical Area buffer are no longer required to install the Best Available Technology (BAT) for nitrogen removal. The BAT may be required on properties with existing homes or businesses outside of the Critical Area in situations where soil conditions prohibit the installation of a conventional septic system. Other regulatory changes are being issued and anyone planning to install a septic system should visit the COMAR website to learn more.
If the owner of a property outside the 1000-foot Critical Area is preparing to install a septic system and plans call for the installation of a BAT, please call the Division of Environmental Health at 301-475-4321 to discuss possible options.
For more information about septic system installation, repair or to download an application, please visit the St. Mary's County Health Department's website at www.smchd.org.
St. Mary's County Regional Airport Seeks Community Input for Development of Proposed Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
The St. Mary's County Regional Airport is preparing for a multi-year program of expansion funded by the Commissioners of St. Mary's County, the Maryland Aviation Administration and the FAA. The Airport is actively soliciting community input for the development of its proposed Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program goals for FY 2017-2019.
The county will host a teleconference to describe the proposed projects, request input on the availability of both DBE and non-DBE's in the Market Area, and discuss any effects of discrimination on opportunities for DBE's to participate in the proposed capital improvements. The teleconference will be held on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. The dial-in phone number is 515-604-9308, and the access code is 796971.
Interested parties may also submit comments and requests for information about the DBE program to the Department of Public Works and Transportation's office addressed to St. Mary's County Regional Airport, Attn: DBE Program, 44825 St. Andrews Church Road, California, MD 20619 or gary.whipple@stmarysmd.com.
For additional information and questions about the airport, please contact George A. Erichsen, P.E., Director, Department of Public Works and Transportation and Airport Manager at 301-863-8400, during normal business hours.
Day and Time Change for Family Skate Night
During the months of January, February and March 2017, Family Skate Night will be moved to Sundays beginning January 8.
Event Details:
Time: 2–5 p.m.
Cost: $5 per person; skate rentals available for $2.50 per person
Bring the family and have some fun!
For more information call 301-475-4200, ext. *1800.
Open Skate Nights Coming to Leonard Hall Recreation Center
What's a kid to do when school is closed? Come to the Leonard Hall Recreation Center from 2–4 p.m. and join the fun during open skate! Admission is just $5 per person. Skate rental is an additional $2.50 or bring your own.
Open Skate Dates:
• January 26
• February 7
• March 1
• March 31
• April 12
For more information, please call 301-475-4200, ext. *1800.
Call for 2017 Women's History Month Award Nominations
Nominate an outstanding St. Mary's County Woman or Girl for Commission for Women's Awards
One of the most rewarding aspects of members serving on the Commission for Women is honoring St. Mary's County women and girls who exemplify the best of the best. Each year the commission solicits nominations for the Woman of the Year. This award recognizes a woman for her outstanding charitable and civic service to the St. Mary's County community.
The commission also honors Tomorrow's Woman—a young woman who is a current high school student (in grades 9-12) and is already making a difference through her advocacy, leadership, or service.
The commission seeks the help of the public by submitting nominations of an exceptional woman or girl known through your community or workplace, place of worship or through school or community activities.
To request a nomination packet visit the Commission's website at www.co.saint-marys.md.us/voluntr.women.asp. You may also email the commission at commissionforwomen@stmarysmd.com or call 301-475-4200, ext. *1849. The awards criteria are straightforward. Winners must have made a positive impact on our community, be a current St. Mary's County resident, have a completed Nomination Form submitted by January 25, 2017, and commit to attend the Women's History Month banquet on March 15, 2017 to receive the award in person. The theme for the 2017 dinner is "Honoring Trailblazing Women in Labor & Business."
The commission asks members of the public to share this information and Nomination Form with friends and family, neighbors, coworkers, faith community and on social networks. Knowing how many talented and effective women and girls there are in St. Mary's County, the commission looks forward to receiving many nominations for Woman of the Year and Tomorrow's Woman.
Members of the St. Mary's County Commission for Women are appointed by the Commissioners of St. Mary's County and champions women's issues and concerns.
Commissioners Sign On to Library Card Challenge
At a joint meeting with the St. Mary's County Board of Education, the Commissioners of St. Mary's County pledged their commitment to the White House Library Card Challenge.
Part of the ConnectED Library initiative, the goal of the challenge is to ensure every K-12 student across St. Mary's County has a library card and knows how to use it to access learning resources available at the public libraries. The initiative calls upon library directors to work with their elected officials, school leaders and school librarians.
The St. Mary's County Library will introduce Kids Cards. Available to young people up to the age of 18, they allow up to 5 books to be checked out. A/V materials, such as DVDs, audiobooks, music discs, are not included. The cards allow access to all of the Library's online resources, including eBooks, music, movies and digital audiobooks and magazines.
Items which are overdue will not incur fines. Card holders who lose an item will not be charged for the item, however the number of items available to check out will be reduced.
Children may have this new type of card plus a regular library card. Because the Kids Cards are fine free and involve no cost, kids may sign up for them without parental consent.
"The Commissioners of St. Mary's County are proud to sign on to this challenge," said Commissioner President Randy Guy. "We're hopeful all students in the county take advantage and obtain a Kids Card and explore everything our wonderful libraries have to offer."
Karin Bailey, St. Mary's County Board of Education Chair, J. Scott Smith, St. Mary's County Public Schools Superintendent and Michael Blackwell, St. Mary's County Public Library director joined Commissioner President Guy in formally signing on to the challenge statement.
In signing the challenge, all parties pledge to strengthen partnerships to wider access of learning resources, begin to close the achievement gaps and build a foundation for sustained collaboration to improve educational outcomes for all students in the community.