Phalen Named to MABE Board of Directors
Board of Education member William J. Phalen, Sr., has been selected to serve on the board of directors for the Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE).
Dr. Daniel D. Curry, Superintendent, said, "Mr. Phalen always advocates for opportunities for students. He will certainly represent their best interest in this leadership role."
A resident of Calvert County for over thirty years, Mr. Phalen served four terms on the Board of Education from 1993-2010. He was reelected in 2014. He is an enthusiastic supporter of the arts and serves on the Maryland State Department of Education Fine Arts Advisory Board. A past president of MABE, he currently serves on the Legislative Committee and the Committee on School Funding Adequacy. MABE honored him with the Charles W. Willis Award for distinguished board service in 2010.
Founded in 1957, MABE is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to serving and supporting boards of education in Maryland. MABE is a leading advocate for public education in the state. All twenty-four Maryland boards of education are members of MABE.
BOE and CAESS Sign Negotiated Agreement
On October 13, 2016, members of the Board of Education of Calvert County and officers/representatives from the Calvert Association of Educational Support Staff (CAESS) ratified a four-year negotiated agreement spanning school years 2016-2017 through 2019-2020.
The collaborative effort between the parties resulted in an agreement that includes step increases, step restoration and a cost of living adjustment.
Additional items in the agreement include leave, staff development, a uniform stipend and a committee to study the need for and feasibility of planning time for classroom-based instructional assistants who provide academic intervention to students.
Implementation of the negotiated agreement is predicated on sufficient annual funding from the Calvert County fiscal authorities.
Calvert County Public Schools Students Chosen as Pages for the General Assembly
Two seniors from Calvert County Public Schools have been selected as student pages for the 2017 Maryland General Assembly in Annapolis. Lily Hensler and Hunter Marsh, both students at Patuxent High, will represent Calvert County during the legislative session. Conner Klapper from Patuxent High was selected as the alternate.
The students selected for this prestigious, highly competitive program demonstrate a strong knowledge base, as well as superior communication and problem-solving skills.
Student pages serve two nonconsecutive weeks in either the House of Delegates or the Senate during the thirteen week session. Their duties include distributing materials to members on the floor, running errands, answering the phone, assisting visitors and delivering messages to members.
Begun in 1970 by House Speaker Thomas Hunter Lowe and approved by the Maryland State Board of Education, the program is designed to interest youth in state government, foster leadership and provide students with worthwhile experience in state government.