The St. Mary's County Museum Board of Trustees November meeting, originally scheduled for Monday, November 14, has been rescheduled for Monday, December 12. The meeting will take place at 8:30 a.m. in Room 14 inside the Potomac Building, 23115 Leonard Hall Drive, Leonardtown, Maryland.
Museum Board of Trustees meetings are generally held every other month, on the second Monday of the month, beginning in January. Details on the dates and locations of 2017 meetings will be updated in the near future on the county website at www.co.saint-marys.md.us/docs/BoardsCommitteesCommissionsSchedule.pdf
For more information, please contact the St. Mary's County Museum Division at 301-769-3235.
Planning Commission Cancels Meeting
The St. Mary's County Planning Commission meeting, scheduled for Monday, November 14, has been canceled. The applicant has removed their project from the agenda.
The next scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission is Monday, December 12.
Outstanding St. Mary's County Senior Volunteers Honored
Maryland is home to a number of outstanding senior volunteers, and St. Mary's County is fortunate to have three citizens recognized recently. Sam Brown was the recipient of the Outstanding Maryland Rural Health Volunteer Award in early October and Gail Murdock and Anne Marum were inducted into the Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame on October 27.
Brown, a member of the St. Mary's County Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), serves as President of A Community That Shares (ACTS), a non-profit organization that provides free convalescent medical equipment to persons in need. Recipients include persons with disabilities, frail seniors and veterans, as well as individuals recovering from an illness, injury, and/or medical procedure. The ACTS warehouse stores an array of assistive medical equipment available for loan, including wheelchairs, walkers, canes and hospital beds.
In addition to his work with ACTS, Brown is a member of the Garvey Senior Activity Center Council (GSAC), board member of the St. Clements Hundred, member of the Friends of Colton Point Lighthouse, the Welfare and Employment Specialist with his church and serves with the St. Mary's County Interfaith Council coordinating snack packs for Benjamin Banneker Elementary School.
With so many accomplishments, Brown remains humble.
"You don't do it for the praise," he said. "You do it for the good feeling you get in your heart."
Among his many activities, Murdock serves along with Brown on the GSAC. He is also a member of the RSVP Community Advisory Committee, member of the Commission on Aging, Commander of the American Legion Post 221, Financial Officer for Voiture Locale 456, Assistant Judge Advocate for Southern Maryland District American Legion, charter member of the Mechanicsville Optimist Club, and a founding member of Helen's Veterans, Inc.
Murdock got involved because he'd seen friends retire then withdraw from life and sit at home. It wasn't a life he wanted for himself, so he began volunteering.
"It's what I do, it keeps me busy," Murdock said. "I have a philosophy—go home when you can't go anywhere else."
Marum volunteers at Summerseat Farm, assisting with wedding planning. Loffler Senior Activity Center Operations Manager Joyce Raum, whose son recently had a wedding at Summerseat, has firsthand experience working with Marum.
"Anne's role with weddings at Summerseat (a major fundraising activity for the farm) starts with arranging the initial tour of the property for the intended and ends only after everything has been removed from the property, often the day after the wedding. Anne tends to her duty as the wedding coordinator lovingly, tastefully, respectful of individual preferences and most professionally. In our case, it was Anne to whom we turned with each and every inquiry. She had a thorough and fitting response each time. Anne made herself present and available through every step of the pre- and post-wedding planning."
Marum has been working with Summerseat for 10 years. She also helped start St. Mary's County Christmas in April and served on the board of directors of the organization for a number of years. For Marum, volunteerism and community service has been part of her life since she was a child.
"It's been my family's way, it's been what I've done all along," she said. "It's important to give back."
Looking to get involved? Give us a call! St. Mary's County Department of Aging & Human Services is always looking for volunteers. Individuals over 55 can enroll in the RSVP program and become matched with one of the many opportunities in the community. Visit www.stmarysmd.com/aging/rsvp-overview.asp or call RSVP Program Manager Norine Rowe at 301-737-5670 ext. 1653. Teens can get involved as well. Check out the Teen Court program at www.stmarysmd.com/teencourt/ or call Teen Court Coordinator Greg Jones at 301-475-4200, ext. *1852.