WEEKLY SUMMARY: During the week of October 11 through October 18, deputies responded to 1,721 calls for service throughout the community.
BURGLARY CASE #16-58537: On October 12, 2016, Deputy A. Moschetto was dispatched to Santa Rosa Lane in Lusby for the report of a burglary. The victim reported leaving their home around 8:30am that day and upon returning around 2:15pm, found the screen from one of their front windows had been removed and was lying on the porch. Deputy Moschetto observed a front window was partially open but it did not appear the suspect(s) had gained entry. The victim confirmed nothing was missing.

CDS VIOLATION CASE #16-59120: On October 14, 2016, at approximately 5:00pm, Deputy Y. Bortchevsky responded to the Fastop gas station located on Bayside Road in Chesapeake Beach for the report of a possible drunk driver. At the scene he made contact with the driver, Paul Gibson, 57, of Owings, who was observed to have slurred speech, poor balance and had a chemical odor emitting from his person as he spoke. Based on the evidence inside the vehicle, Gibson was placed under arrest for CDS: Possession of a Dangerous Nonnarcotic drug (PCP), as well as Possession of Paraphernalia (cigarette) soaked in PCP.
CDS VIOLATION CASE #16-59094: On October 14, 2016, at approximately 6:00pm, Deputy C. Fox conducted a traffic stop at the intersection of E. Chesapeake Beach Rd/Limerick Lane in Owings when he observed a vehicle travelling with items hanging from the rear view mirror, obstructing the driver's view of the roadway. He approached the driver who was issued a civil citation for Possession of Paraphernalia (pipe) containing Marijuana and for the traffic infraction. The passenger, Tara Newman, 32, of Chesapeake Beach, admitted to having a fold of heroin in her front jeans pocket. She was placed under arrest for CDS: Possession-Not Marijuana (Heroin) and Possession of Paraphernalia (plastic baggie).
CDS VIOLATION CASE #16-58423: On October 12, 2016 at approximately 7:00am, Deputy G. Gott responded to the area of Golden West Way/Santa Domingo Drive in Lusby for the report of a suspicious vehicle seen driving up and down the road numerous times throughout the night. He made contact with the driver of a vehicle, matching the description, sleeping inside the car. Upon speaking with the driver, Gregorik Collington, 30, of Temple Hills, he observed a plastic bag containing suspected cocaine within his reach and discovered an additional bag of cocaine in his front right pocket. While attempting to arrest Collington, he attempted to flee on foot and took an aggressive stance towards Deputy Gott (flailing his arms and ultimately scratching Deputy Gott's hand). After Collington was secured, Deputy Gott located two red in color pills of suspected methylenedioxy-n-methylamphetamine "Ecstasy/MDMA" in a plastic bag in Collington's right front pocket. He was taken to the Detention Center and charged with CDS: Possession-Not Marijuana (Cocaine), CDS: Possession-Not Marijuana (MDMA/Ecstasy), Resist/Interfere with Arrest and 2nd Degree Assault.

DISORDERLY CONDUCT CASE #16-59211: On October 15, 2016, at approximately 11:00am, Deputy B. Pounsberry responded to 3rd Street/Bay Avenue in North Beach for the report of two (2) individuals acting disorderly and intoxicated in public. He observed an adult male stumbling and causing a significant scene near the North Beach Boardwalk. He approached Michael Swain, 57, of Upper Marlboro, who was unable to provide his name or his where abouts. The bystanders stated a female, who was with the male, had walked away and was now leaning up against a tree further down the street. He then approached Yvette Sanchez, 56, also of Upper Marlboro, who did not know her name and was mumbling incoherently. Deputy Pounsberry placed Sanchez in his patrol vehicle and transported her back to 3rd Street and Bay Avenue to join her friend, Swain. After speaking with several witnesses, they advised that Swain and Sanchez had been falling on the ground, rolling in the grass and were also seen walking in the roadway. Based on his observations and the fact that they could pose a hazard to themselves or others, he placed Swain and Sanchez under arrest for Disorderly Conduct and Public Intoxication/Intoxicated Endangerment.
DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY CASE #16-55434: On October 12, 2016, at approximately 8:15pm, Deputy A. Ostazeski responded to Pine Tree Lane in Lusby for the report of damaged property. He made contact with the complainant who stated his vehicle had been parked across the street for the last week and he just discovered it had been damaged. The driver's side rear tire was flat and the panel above the tire had numerous scratches on it. No known suspects at this time. ESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY CASE #16-58327: On October 11, 2016, at approximately 5:30pm, Deputy R. Kreps responded to Flag Ponds Parkway in St. Leonard in reference to a destruction of property complaint. Upon arrival the complainant advised someone had driven a vehicle through their fencing cable and damaged several fence posts; it is estimated this incident occurred between 3:00pm—5:00pm that day.
MAIL TAMPERING CASE #16-58526: On October 12, 2016, Deputy A. Woodford responded to Sunrise Court in Huntingtown for the report of mail tampering. The complainant advised someone opened a piece of their mail and then re-sealed it with tape. They also explained that this crime is the fifth or sixth piece of mail that has been opened over the last couple of years and that all the mail, that was opened, had to do with financial information. The case is suspended pending further development of a suspect.
THEFT CASE #16-59371: On October16, 2016, at approximately 8:30am, Deputy B. Pounsberry responded to a call regarding a stolen bicycle. The complainant explained that they left their green Felt single-speed bicycle, overnight, behind the Museum on Mears Avenue, in Chesapeake Beach. Upon returning the next morning to pick it up, they observed the (unsecured) bicycle missing.
THEFT CASE #16-59235: On October 15, 2016, at approximately 2:00pm, Deputy N. Barger was dispatched to Lower Marlboro Road in Owings for a theft complaint. The victim explained that someone(s) stole a snowplow motor and pump that was attached to a vehicle. The last time the motor was seen was between October 3—October 7th.
THEFT CASE #16-59046: On October 14, 2016, at approximately 2:00pm, Deputy N. Barger responded to Mill Branch Road in Huntingtown for a reported theft. The victim stated they had placed two (2) signs/poles in their front yard in an attempt to slow traffic down to avoid hitting their cats. The signs were reflective, yellow colored, diamond shaped and had a picture of a black cat in the center.
THEFT CASE #16-59037: On October 14, 2016, Deputy C. Callison responded to Auto Drive in Prince Frederick for the report of a theft. The manager of Bayside Chevrolet explained that three (3) MD Dealer Registration Plates had been stolen—the first one was stolen approximately three (3) weeks ago and they just discovered another one missing this past week.
THEFT CASE #16-58763: On October 13, 2016, at approximately 11:30am, Deputy A. Woodford responded to Beaver Dam Road in Chesapeake Beach for the report of a theft. The complainant explained their 265 John Deere riding lawn mower was stolen off their property. The lawn mower was left outside at approximately 1:00pm on October 8 and it was discovered missing at approximately 11:00am on October 13th. The mower is green, has a yellow seat, with two (2) chrome rear wheels with over-sized tires (possibly a 16 horsepower motor). No known suspects at this time.
THEFT CASE #16-58493: On October 12, 2016, at approximately 11:30am, Deputy R. Evans responded to Aralia Avenue in St. Leonard for the report of a theft. The victim reported arriving home that day around 11:20am and discovered someone(s) stole their 16" Poulan chainsaw from their driveway and left their back fence gate open.
THEFT CASE #16-58472: On October 12, 2016, at approximately 10:20am, Deputy A. Locke was dispatched to Sneades on Prosper Lane in Owings for the report of a theft. The victim explained that a yellow Case 420 Skid Steer (Bobcat) and 18' PJ tilt trailer were stolen between 5:00pm on October 10 through 10:00am today.
Citizens with information on any of the reported crimes above, or any criminal activity in Calvert County, who wish to report it anonymously can now access the Calvert County Crime Solvers website via so.md/calvertcrimesolvers. Information leading to the arrest and conviction of a suspect could result in a $1,000 reward.
For the current list of crime solvers cases in southern Maryland, see so.md/mostwanted
Disclaimer: In the U.S.A., all persons accused of a crime by the State are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. See: so.md/presumed-innocence. Additionally, all of the information provided above is solely from the perspective of the respective law enforcement agency and does not provide any direct input from the accused or persons otherwise mentioned. You can find additional information about the case by searching the Maryland Judiciary Case Search Database using the accused's name and date of birth. The database is online at so.md/mdcasesearch . Persons named who have been found innocent or not guilty of all charges in the respective case, and/or have had the case ordered expunged by the court can have their name, age, and city redacted by following the process defined at so.md/expungeme.