Commissioners Recognize 8-Year-Old for Saving Mother's Life
On Tuesday, Sept. 27, the Charles County Commissioners awarded A'Nasia Clayton, an 8-year-old resident, with the Citizens Lifesaving Award for saving her mother's life. When A'Nasia's mother begin showing symptoms of a stroke, A'Nasia calmly called 9-1-1, answered emergency medical dispatch questions, and provided street-by-street directions on her location. Because of her quick thinking and the fast response by emergency responders, A'Nasia's mother, Janée Clayton, is alive and well today. The following Department of Emergency Services personnel were recognized for their efforts in saving Janée: Public Safety Dispatcher Ronald Lucas, Paramedic Paul Lenharr, and EMT Robert Steinen.
Tri-County Animal Shelter Announces October Promotions
The Tri-County Animal Shelter is pleased to announce the following October monthly promotions:
Adopt a Shelter Dog Month (Saturday, Oct. 1- Monday, Oct. 31)
To celebrate this special month, the shelter is giving a free toy with every adopted dog. Make a difference in the life of a shelter pup and consider adopting. If you are unable to adopt, donate pet food, treats, toys, or newspapers, or consider volunteering your time. Call the shelter at 301-932-1713 for more information about volunteering or available pets.
National Pitbull Awareness Day (Saturday, Oct. 22)
The shelter is dedicating the day to changing stereotypes about the pitbull breed. Multiple rescue organizations will be on-site to complete adoptions for bully breeds and answer questions. Come adopt a Love-A-Bull dog!
National Cat Day (Saturday, Oct. 29)
The shelter is celebrating all felines by reducing the kitten adoption fee to $40 and adult cat fee to $20. Senior cats are available at no-cost on this special day.
Halloween Paw-ty (Saturday, Oct. 29)
Adopt-or-treat, and get in the Halloween spirit at the shelter. Wear your Halloween costume and adopt an animal at a reduced fee, and then go trick-or-treating in each of our rooms for yummy treats. Have a barking good time!
The Tri-County Animal Shelter is located at 6707 Animal Shelter Road in Hughesville. Shelter staff can be reached at 301-932-1713 or 800-903-1992. Adoption hours are Monday-Friday, noon to 5 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. To view animals available for adoption, visit www.CharlesCountyMD.gov/es/animalshelter/tri-county-animal-shelter or www.petfinder.com/shelters/MD112.html to find your "purrfect" pet. Follow the Tri-County Animal Shelter on Facebook for adoptable pets, pet tips, and more at www.facebook.com/TriCountyAnimalShelterSoMD/. Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.
Halloween Recreation Programs Available in October
The Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism is pleased to announce the following Halloween recreation programs during the month of October:
Not Your Ordinary Pumpkin Carving (Tuesday, Oct. 18 and Wednesday, Oct. 19)
Turn a pumpkin into a work of art at Somers Community Center (300 Willow Lane, La Plata) on Tuesday, Oct. 18, or Piccowaxen Community Center (12834 Rock Point Road, Newburg) on Wednesday, Oct. 19 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. All tools, supplies, and pumpkin included. Fee is $10 for residents and $12 for non-residents. This program is for children ages 10 years old and up.
Twas the Night Before… HALLOWEEN! (Thursday, Oct. 27)
Join us for a night of Halloween splendor at Stoddert Community Center (2040 St. Thomas Drive, Waldorf) from 6:15 p.m. to 7 p.m. Dress up with staff as we sit down for a night of holiday story time. Enjoy light refreshments, a craft, and holiday fairy tale to get you in the holiday spirit. This event is for children ages 3 to 6. Fee is $3 per person.
Pumpkin Carving and Scarecrow Building (Saturday, Oct. 29)
Enjoy a morning of pumpkin carving and scarecrow building at the Smallwood Community Center (4990 Indian Head Highway, Indian Head) from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Program is for children ages 3 to 12. Please bring an old shirt, pants, and pillow case for the scarecrow building. Fee is $10 for residents and $12 for non-residents. Parent participation is required.
Elite's Spooktacular Saturday Night (Saturday, Oct. 29)
Fill your Saturday evening with gymnastic fun and games, arts and crafts, prizes, goodie bags, music, and refreshments. Children ages 5 to 14 can be dropped off at Elite Gymnastics and Recreation Center (2745 Old Washington Road, Waldorf) between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. Pizza and snacks included. Prizes available for the best Halloween costume. The fee is $15 for residents and $17 for non-residents. Preregistration is required.
The Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism provides a variety of fun activities. For a complete list of the fall recreational events and activities or to register, please visit the fall edition of the GUIDE at www.CharlesCountyParks.com, or call 301-934-9305 or 301-870-3388. Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.
Adult Fall Sports League Registration Open
Lace up your shoes and get ready to play! Registration for adult sports leagues is open.
30+ Basketball Leagues are available with an eight-game regular season. Games are played on Thursdays. Games begin in mid-October. Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Oct. 5. Fee: $550/team
Adult Volleyball Leagues are available with a 10-match (30-game) season. Competitive, recreational, and church leagues are available. Games begin in mid-October. Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Oct. 5. Fee: $325/team
18+ Adult Basketball Leagues games are played each Sunday at various locations throughout the county. Games begin in early November. Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Oct. 12. Fee: $550/team
Halloween Slam 4v4 Co-Ed Indoor Volleyball Tournament is Saturday, Oct. 29, at the Port Tobacco Recreation Center . Three games per match with bracket play –best two out of three. Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Oct. 12. Fee: $100/team
Register online at www.CharlesCountyParks.com or the Charles County Government, Port Tobacco Office (8190 Port Tobacco Road, Port Tobacco). For more information, call 301-934-9305 or 301-870-3388. Citizens with special needs, contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.
Charles County Commissioners October Town Hall Meeting Schedule
The Charles County Commissioners invite the public to attend the October town hall meetings as scheduled below. The purpose of Commissioner town hall meetings is to take questions from those in attendance and to discuss items of importance to the citizens and the community.
Amanda Stewart, M.Ed. (District 3)
Monday, Oct. 24, 6:30 p.m.
Waldorf West Library, Room A (10405 O'Donnell Place, Waldorf)
Future town hall meeting dates are available at www.CharlesCountyMD.gov.
For more information, contact the Public Information Office at 301-885-2779 or PressRoom@CharlesCountyMD.gov. Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 866-269-9006.
Commissioners Proclaim National Substance Abuse Awareness Month
On Tuesday, Sept. 27, the Commissioners proclaimed October as National Substance Abuse Awareness Month. Millions of people—every age, race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status—seek treatment annually for substance dependence or abuse in the United States. Educating our community about how substance abuse disorders affect all people, including public safety officials, the local workforce, older adults and families, is essential to combatting misconceptions associated with addiction. To learn more, visit www.recoverymonth.gov.
Technical Assistance Panel Presents Economic Development Findings in Indian Head
On Wednesday, Sept. 21, the Town of Indian Head and the Department of Charles County Economic Development solicited the Urban Land Institute Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) Program to address barriers contributing to commercial development decline and disinvestment in the town. Many of these barriers—including blight—are characteristic to municipalities in critical need of revitalization.
The TAP is designed to provide expert, objective, market-based advice on complex land use and economic development issues.