"The grants from Dominion provide enriching experiences for our students," said Dr. Daniel D. Curry, Superintendent. "We are grateful for their support."
Mr. Michael Frederick, Vice President of Dominion Cove Point LNG, and Mr. Karl Neddenien, Media and Community Relations Manager, presented the grants to support the following projects:
$1,000 to Calvert County Public Schools, "2017 History Fair"
Secondary students compete in the annual National History Day Competition at the local, state, and national levels. Students research a topic related to the theme of "Taking a Stand" and will construct a project to reflect their findings.
Facilitator: Cecelia Lewis, Supervisor of Social Studies.
$1,000 to Mill Creek Middle School, "Google Expeditions"
Students will participate in new virtual Google Expeditions that are put together by the American Museum of Natural History, the Planetary Society and other partners.
Facilitator: Chelsea Galluhugh, Science Teacher.
$1,500 to Huntingtown Elementary School, "Destination Imagination"
The grant supports the team participation in the Destination Imagination Global Finals Tournament.
Facilitator: Beth Nowak, Team Manager.
$2,000 to Calvert County Public Schools, "Full STEAM ahead"
Library media specialists will utilize Makerspaces in the library to promote learning about energy through STEAM activities.
Facilitator: Jennifer Sturge, Teacher Specialist for Digital Learning and Library Media.
$2,500 to Mill Creek Middle School, "Explore Learning Gizmos"
Students will use Explore Learning Gizmos, which are online simulations that foster inquiry and understanding to integrate science, math, and the real world.
Facilitator: Chelsea Gallihugh, Science Teacher.