St. Mary's Co. Gov. News Briefs

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Recreation Survey to Assess Needs in St. Mary's County

The Department of Recreation and Parks invites the public to participate in an on-line survey in conjunction with the update of the St. Mary's County Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan (LPPRP). The survey can be accessed at

The LPPRP is an important document in identifying recreational, agricultural, and natural resource and open space preservation needs in the county. Once adopted, the LPPRP will guide county policies and actions to address those needs in the future. Updated every five years the LPPRP offers the opportunity to reassess priorities in light of population growth and changing economic, social and market conditions. The St. Mary's County plan, along with the plans from other counties, will be used by the State to guide planning, funding and programs to meet land preservation, parks and recreation needs state-wide.

For more information about the survey or the LPPRP, please contact the Department of Recreation and Parks at 301-475-4200 ext. *1811, or via e-mail to Citizens may download a copy of the 2012 plan at

Health Department Extending Search for Organizations to Educate Youth on Health Risks of E-Cigarettes

The St. Mary's County Health Department is extending its search for organizations to educate local youth on the health risks of electronic cigarettes. These community organizations may include student groups, faith-based organizations, and civic organizations. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that the number of middle and high school age students who have never smoked a cigarette but who have used an e-cigarette increased three fold from 2011 to 2013. These youth are also nearly twice as likely to have an intention to smoke conventional cigarettes over those who have never used an e-cigarette. Funding for this award is provided through the Maryland Cigarette Restitution Fund. For more information about this request for proposals, please visit the health department's website at

Commissioners Honor United States Constitution

It's a document which stands as the guardian of our liberties which embodies the principles of government in a Republic dedicated to rule by law. The Constitution of the United States of America has stood as the cornerstone of the American democracy for 229 years. In recognizing the Constitution's importance in the lives of citizens, the Commissioners of St. Mary's County declared Constitution Week in the county.

September 17 marks the anniversary of the framing of the Constitution by the Constitutional Convention. Commissioners believe it is fitting and proper to accord official recognition to the document and its memorable anniversary.

"Public Law 915 guarantees the issuing of a Proclamation recognizing the week of September 17 through 23 as Constitution Week," said Commissioner John O'Connor (3rd District).

In declaring Constitution Week the commissioners urged citizens to study the Constitution, and reflect on the privilege of being an American with all the rights and responsibilities which that privilege involves.

Last Summer Collection of Plastic Pesticide Containers is September 20

The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) will hold its final summer collection program for empty plastic (HDPE) pesticide containers (according to specific guidelines) on Tuesday, September 20. The nearest location to St. Mary's County which accepts out-of–county pesticide containers is being hosted by the Frederick County Landfill, 9031 Reich's Ford Road, Frederick, Maryland. Collection hours will be between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.

MDA inspectors will supervise the collection to ensure only triple rinsed or pressure rinsed, clean, plastic HDPE pesticide containers are collected. Additional requirements necessary for pesticide containers to be acceptable for recycling purposes can be viewed on the Inspection Checklist at or by calling 410-841-5710. The pesticide containers will be chipped and transported to an approved recycling facility for processing.

To learn more about recycling in St. Mary's County, contact the Department of Public Works and Transportation, Recycling Program at (301) 863-8400, or log on to

Be Aware of Deer This Fall Season

Drivers traveling along county roads are reminded to heighten their awareness of deer during the fall breeding "rutting" season. Collisions between deer and automobiles result in a substantial cost, including damage to vehicles, the loss of a valuable wildlife resource and human injuries or fatalities. As our population continues to grow, this danger becomes greater.

Most of these accidents occur between dusk and dawn. Watch for deer where roads pass through wooded or rural areas. The most important thing drivers can do to reduce the chances of an accident with a deer is to drive the speed limit. At night, reduce speeds below the limit, especially in rain, snow, or fog. Here are some other tips to keep in mind as a driver.

• Never "VEER" for DEER. Slow down and avoid hitting deer, but do not swerve. This can cause you to lose control and strike another vehicle, or to leave the highway and strike a tree or other object. Injuries to drivers and passengers increase when the vehicle swerves.

• Deer usually travel in groups and generally maintain a home range of about one (1) square mile. If you see a deer cross the road, slow down and use caution. Additional deer may be out of view and more are likely to follow.

• A deer standing calmly in a field may suddenly jump into the road. Anticipate the potential for this rapid change in posture.

• Elevate your deer awareness at locations with deer crossing signs. Deer crossing signs indicate areas where heavily used deer trails cross roadways. Slow down and watch for the eye-shine of deer near the roadway edges.

• Be especially aware during the morning and afternoon. Deer tend to be more active during the early morning hours and late afternoon hours year round. They are moving between evening feeding areas and daytime bedding sites.

• In the unfortunate event of striking a deer, never approach an injured animal. Pull to a safe location with hazard lights on and call the police. Make it a safe season for you and the deer!

• If you happen to notice an animal carcass lying along or in the roadside, please report it by using the County Highways online Maintenance Request Form at or call the Department of Public Works & Transportation at 301-863-8400.

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