As summer ends and Labor Day weekend approaches, many celebrants will be celebrating with friends and family. In efforts to increase safety the State Police Impaired Driving Reduction Effort team and troopers statewide will be out in force focusing efforts on impaired, distracted, and aggressive drivers. This effort is intended to reduce traffic crashes and the resulting injuries and deaths on Maryland roads. The Maryland State Police remind drivers all year, but especially during our extend holiday weekends, that drinking alcohol and driving is never a good choice.
"Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" is a high visibility enforcement campaign, which runs from August 19 to September 5, 2016. During this period Maryland State Police and local law enforcement will be working together to save lives and will have zero tolerance for drunk driving.
Operation SHOWBOAT will be underway this Labor Day weekend, focusing on aggressive driving, crash reduction, and impaired driving. Operation SHOWBOAT will concentrate its efforts on U.S. Route 50 from Anne Arundel County to Ocean City and U.S. Route 13 in Wicomico, Somerset, and Worcester counties. In addition state police will be conducting sobriety checkpoints and increased patrols.
As Maryland State Troopers continue to support the Maryland Department of Transportation's campaign "Toward Zero Deaths," motorists need to be aware of the dangers of alcohol. Alcohol takes effect quickly and wears off slowly. It tends to reduce one's control, judgment, and coordination. In addition, perceptual abilities, speech and speed of reflexes can be impaired.
Impaired drivers can face jail time, lose their driver's licenses, incur higher insurance rates, and dozens of other expenses ranging from attorney fees, court costs, car towing and repairs, to lost wages due to time off from work. Even worse, a drunk driver can claim someone's life, or even their own.
Authorities ask citizens to please follow these tips to keep Maryland roads safe this Labor Day Weekend:
• Have a plan before you drink any alcoholic beverages. One drink can impair your judgment and increase the risk of getting arrested for driving drunk.
• Designate a driver.
• Be attentive while traveling this holiday.
• Ensure everyone is secured by a seatbelt.
• Call 911 to report drunk drivers.