DUI Arrests
7/08/2016: Thomas Levin Ryce, Jr., age 58, of Bushwood, by Corporal D. Snyder
7/13/2016: Richard Eugene Footes, age 52, of Seat Pleasant, by Deputy R. Trudell
7/15/2016: Timothy Tully Fraass, age 52, of Lexington Park, by Deputy D. Potter
7/16/2016: John Alexander Chase, age 62, of Waldorf, by Deputy J. Smith
7/19/2016: Brian Joseph Tarleton, age 58, of Lexington Park, by Deputy A. Manns
7/21/2016: Gwenetta Alexander Mitchell, age 49, of Mechanicsville, by Corporal J. Yingling
7/21/2016: James Michael Carroll 3rd, age 52, of Great Mills, by Deputy First Class V. Pontorno
7/21/2016: Terri James Dyer Jr., age 28, of Lexington Park, by Deputy J. Bare
7/22/2016: Francis Joseph Toth, Jr., age 59, of Tall Timbers, by Deputy First Class T. Teague
7/22/2016: Michael Aaron Karstens, age 29, of Lexington Park, by Deputy A. Shelko
7/25/2016: Dennis Lamont Allen, age 40, of Hagerstown, by Deputy T. Payne
7/28/2016: Jennifer Leah Doherty, age 43, of Leonardtown, by Corporal O' Connor
7/31/2016: Francine Mae Morgan, age 57, of Lexington Park, by Deputy L. Johnson
7/31/2016: Zachary Lane Gage Addair, age 22, of Bluefield, Virginia, by Deputy J. Bare
SEX OFFENDER ARRESTED: The Criminal Investigations Division, Sex Offender Compliance Unit, received information that a Tier III lifetime sex offender was living at a residence in the 21000 block of Lexwood Court in Lexington Park, but was registered under a Mechanicsville address. The suspect, Eric Manuel Scriber. Sr., age 50, of Mechanicsville was located at the Lexington Park residence on August 23, 2016 by Corporal Robert Merritt and Deputy First Class Joshua Krum. He was transported to the St. Mary's County Detention Center and charged with failing to notify the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office of an address change. Anyone with information related to sex offenders is asked to contact Detective Robert Merritt by email at Robert.Merritt@stmarysmd.com, or by phone at 301-475-4200, ext. *8042.
Incident Briefs
8/25/2016: BURGLARY TO MOTOR VEHICLE: Unknown suspect(s) entered a motor vehicle in the 46000 block of Cameo Lane in Lexington Park and stole property. Corporal J. Vezzosi is investigating the case. CASE# 43867-16
8/25/2016: BURGLARY: Unknown suspect(s) entered a residence in the 46000 block of Chapman Drive in Lexington Park. Nothing appeared to be stolen from the home. Corporal D. Corcoran is investigating the case. CASE# 43973-16
8/25/2016: COUNTERFEIT COMPLAINT: Unknown suspect(s) passed a counterfeit $20 bill at Chaptico Town and Country Market in Chaptico. Corporal J. Davis is investigating the case. CASE# 43776-16
8/26/2016: BURGLARY: Sometime between 8/20 and 8/25, unknown suspect(s) forced entry into a residence and stole property in the 50000 block of Easley Road in Dameron. Deputy D. McClure is investigating the case. CASE# 44123-16
8/26/2016: BURGLARY: Unknown suspect(s) entered a barn in the 48000 block of Whitaker Road in St. Inigoes and stole property. Deputy D. McClure is investigating the case. CASE# 44148-16
8/27/2016: BURGLARY: Unknown suspect(s) entered a residence and stole property in the 21000 block of Manon Way in Lexington Park. Deputy T. Payne is investigating the case. CASE# 44370-16
8/27/2016: BURGLARY: Unknown suspect(s) entered a residence and stole property in the 44000 block of St. Andrew's Lane in California. Deputy G. Muschette is investigating the case.
8/28/2016: BREAKING AND ENTERING: Unknown suspect(s) entered a motor vehicle and stole property on Long Lane in Lexington Park. Deputy J. Bare is investigating the case. CASE# 44384-16
8/28/2016: BREAKING AND ENTERING: Unknown suspect(s) forced entry into a motor vehicle and stole property in the parking lot of the Green Door in Park Hall. Deputy M. Beyer is investigating the case. CASE# 44452-15
8/30/2016: BURGLARY TO MOTOR VEHICLE: Unknown suspect(s) entered a motor vehicle and stole property in the 18000 block of St. Jerome's Neck Road. Corporal J. Davis is investigating the case. CASE# 44668-16
For the current list of crime solvers cases in southern Maryland, see so.md/mostwanted
Disclaimer: In the U.S.A., all persons accused of a crime by the State are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. See: so.md/presumed-innocence. Additionally, all of the information provided above is solely from the perspective of the respective law enforcement agency and does not provide any direct input from the accused or persons otherwise mentioned. You can find additional information about the case by searching the Maryland Judiciary Case Search Database using the accused's name and date of birth. The database is online at so.md/mdcasesearch . Persons named who have been found innocent or not guilty of all charges in the respective case, and/or have had the case ordered expunged by the court can have their name, age, and city redacted by following the process defined at so.md/expungeme.