In the tournament's 20 year history, more than $123,000 has been raised. Proceeds support the youth scholarship program which provides children, living in St. Mary's County, a chance to attend summer camp, sports and other leisure programs throughout the year at a discount.
Space still remains for team entries. Team registration fee is $340 and includes greens/carts fee for 4 golfers, breakfast, lunch, drinks on the course, and door prize entry. Individual registrations will be accepted beginning September 14 at $85 per golfer. The event includes a best ball format, with opportunities to participate in various raffles, closest to the pin, longest drive and other contests. Join us for a day of fun, sportsmanship and giving youth a chance to experience recreation!
The St. Mary's County Department of Recreation & Parks is also looking for tee sponsors and prize donations for the event. Businesses can reserve an exclusive tee box sign or a shared tee box sign or sponsor specific tournament activities. Door prize sponsorships can include gift certificates or donated items. In addition to supporting a good cause, event sponsorship is also a great way to promote your business.
For more information about the Scott Verbic Tournament, please visit www.stamrysmd.com/recreate/golf or contact Kyle Kebaugh at 301-475-4200 ext. *1803 or via email to kyle.kebaugh@stmarysmd.com.
Public Comment Sought for Update to St. Mary's County's Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan
The St. Mary's County Recreation and Parks Board invites the public to a meeting on Thursday, September 1, 2016 to solicit input regarding the update to the St. Mary's County Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan (LPPRP). The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m., in the commissioners meeting room inside the Chesapeake Building in Leonardtown.
The LPPRP identifies recreational, agricultural and natural resource and open space preservation needs in St. Mary's County. Once adopted, the LPPRP will guide county policies and actions to address those needs in the future. The LPPRP is updated every five years and offers an opportunity to reassess priorities in light of population growth and changing economic, social and market conditions. The St. Mary's County plan, along with plans from other counties, will be used by the State to guide planning, funding and programs to meet land preservation, parks and recreation needs state-wide.
For more information on the public meeting, or the LPPRP, please contact the Department of Recreation and Parks at 301-475-4200 ext. *1811, or via email to kathy.bailey@stmarysmd.com. A copy of the 2012 plan is available for download at: www.stmarysmd.com/docs/lpprdraft-7-11.pdf.
MetCom Warns Customers about Phone Scams
MetCom has been alerted that some customers may have been the target of a phone scam. Customers have been called and advised their water would be turned off if payment is not received by a certain time. These phone scammers have the ability to make MetCom's name appear on a customer's caller ID helping to make the call appear legitimate.
MetCom does not call customers and threaten to turn the water off. Should you receive such a call, please call MetCom immediately at 301.737.7400 to verify your current balance and account status.
Please be aware of the following:
• MetCom mails out reminder notices if an account is past due.
• A turn-off letter is mailed to the customer with the date by which payment must be made before services are turned off.
• MetCom does not make collection calls or terminate services at night, on weekends or holidays.
To protect themselves from possible scams, customers should contact MetCom directly using the phone number printed on the monthly bill. Remember to never give money or personal information over the phone unless you initiate the call.
MetCom has a variety of payment options available for customers: the ability to pay online, as either a one-time payment or a recurring payment at www.metcom.org; by check or money order via U.S. mail; and in person at 23121 Camden Way, California, Maryland or at Walmart. Learn more at www.metcom.org/billing.
Home Grown Farmers' Market to Celebrate its 5-Year Anniversary
It's been a true community resource for citizens since it first opened its doors in 2011. Now, the Home Grown Farmers' Market is set to celebrate its 5-year anniversary of service to the community on Saturday, August 27 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Market was created as a partnership between St. Mary's County, local farmers and the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission. The county purchased the property and completed construction of the entrance to the Market from MD Rt. 5. State cigarette restitution funds were used to build the Farmers' Market building. The County leases the building to the Home Grown Farmers' Market, LLC who operate the Market.
The Market's mission is to preserve and promote the economic viability of Southern Maryland farms, seafood and forest industries. Since its initial opening, the Market has become a community gathering place every Saturday morning from April through mid-December. The Market, located at 21078 Three Notch Road, Lexington Park, includes more than twenty vendors who sell locally grown fruits and vegetables, meat, baked goods, home baked bread, fresh roasted coffee, crafts, cut flowers and more.
The anniversary celebration kicks-off with an Opening Ceremony at 9 a.m., led by local Boy Scouts Troops and a Taste & Toast of Coffee, Wine, Bourbon or Apple Cider at 11 a.m. Door prize drawings will be held at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and noon. Winners need not be present. In addition, kids can enjoy free pony rides, ice cream and shaved ice from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.
For more information contact the St. Mary's County Department of Economic Development, Agriculture Division at 240-309-4021.