Residents interested in learning more about the inner workings of county government have only a few days remaining to apply for the 2016 St. Mary's County Citizens Academy. The deadline to submit an application is August 19.
Academy sessions will take place on seven Tuesday evenings, between September 6 and October 25, from 6 to 9 p.m. at various county operated locations. St. Mary's County residents, 18 years of age and older, are eligible to participate. Enrollment is limited to 25 pre-registered applicants.
The Academy provides an overview of county programs and services. Participants will gain a better understanding of county government operations and will receive a certificate upon completion.
The first session features an overview of county administration. Subsequent sessions will focus on the departments of Aging and Human Services, Economic Development, Land Use and Growth Management, Recreation and Parks, Public Works and Transportation and Emergency Services and Technology.
Citizens interested in learning more about the academy, or participating, can go to www.stmarysmd.com/SMCG-Citzens-Academy.asp to download the brochure or to apply. To view the invitation video go to https://youtu.be/qOdwBCPmY8E.
Economic Development Commission Cancels August Meeting
The August 17 meeting of the St. Mary's County Economic Development Commission (EDC) has been canceled as EDC staff will be attending the Maryland Association of Counties conference.
For more information about the EDC, contact Robin Finnacom, Deputy Director, St. Mary's County Department of Economic Development at 301-475-4200, ext. *1407.
Commission for People with Disabilities Cancels August Meeting
The August 18 meeting of the St. Mary's County Commission for People with Disabilities has been canceled.
For more information about the Commission for People with Disabilities contact Cynthia Brown, Human Services Division Manager, St. Mary's County Department of Aging & Human Services at 301-475-4200, ext. *1849.
Commission on Aging Meeting Location Change
The location for the scheduled Monday, August 22 Commission on Aging meeting has been changed. The meeting will be now held at the Lexington Park Adult Community, 21895 Pegg Road, Lexington Park, MD 20653 beginning at 1 p.m.
For more information, please call the Department of Aging & Human Services at 301-475-4200, ext. *1051.