Tuesday, Aug. 9
Insitu Inc., Bingen, Washington, is being awarded $8,291,844 for firm-fixed-price delivery order 0062 against a previously issued basic ordering agreement (N00019-12-G-0008) to procure spares, support equipment, and support services for the ScanEagle Unmanned Aircraft System operations for the government of Iraq intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance services program. Work will be performed in Baghdad, Iraq (90 percent); and Bingen, Washington (10 percent), and is expected to be completed in August 2017. Foreign military sales funds in the amount of $8,291,844 are being obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.
Wednesday, Aug. 10
United Technologies Corp., Pratt & Whitney Military Engines, East Hartford, Connecticut, is being awarded $151,664,883 for modification P00007 to a previously awarded cost-plus-incentive-fee, fixed-price-incentive-fee contract (N00019-15-C-0004). This modification procures initial spare modules, engine system trainers, support equipment and depot activation services and supplies in support of the F-35 Lightening II for Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, international partners and foreign military sales customers. Work will be performed at Hartford, Connecticut (88 percent); and Indianapolis, Indiana (12 percent), and is expected to be complete in September 2019. Fiscal 2014 and 2016 aircraft procurement (Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force); international partner; and foreign military sales funds in the amount of $151,664,883 will be obligated at the time of award, $35,825,147 of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This modification combines purchases for the Air Force ($53,864,460, 35.52 percent); Navy ($30,732,970, 20.26 percent); Marine Corps ($18, 273,353, 12.05 percent); international partners ($45,731,912, 30.15 percent); and foreign military sales customers ($3,062,188, 2.02 percent). The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.
Vencore To Provide Cyber Support To NAVAIR
CHANTILLY, Va. (Aug. 9, 2016)—Vencore, Inc. announced today that it entered into a Basic Ordering Agreement with the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Cyber Warfare Detachment (CWD) program. The BOA will run through late June 2018.
NAVAIR CWD's mission is to detect and prevent access to weapon systems, continue to operate during enemy engagement and develop future cyber-hardened response. Under this BOA, Vencore will have a unique opportunity to secure Navy systems and platforms. Specifically, Vencore will compete for task orders to provide advanced research, integration and development support and services to cyber resilient and full spectrum cyber warfighting capabilities on various NAVAIR platforms.
"Vencore will bring an innovative and proven cyber skillset to the NAVAIR CWD team," said Mac Curtis, president and chief executive officer of Vencore. "We are excited to have won a position on this important effort and look forward to expanding our partnership with NAVAIR in support of CWD's critical mission."
Vencore has 3,800 employees and is based in Chantilly, Va. For more information about Vencore and Vencore Labs, visit www.vencore.com and www.vencorelabs.com.