Drivers traveling on FDR Boulevard and First Colony Boulevard near the First Colony Shopping Center, and motorists traveling on Old Rolling Road should prepare for possible delays as construction of FDR Boulevard continues.
Phase 1B of the project, located in the 8th Election District, from First Colony Boulevard to just west of the Old Rolling Road intersection in California, MD, will begin on or about August 15, 2016. Work will continue for approximately one year until the project is completed. Crews will work from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends.
During construction motorists can expect construction vehicles in the. Please be alert to changes in conditions during this time. The dates and times posted could change due to weather conditions. For more information, please contact the St. Mary's County Department of Public Works and Transportation, Engineering Division, at (301) 863-8400, ext. 3525.
Work Begins on Improvements at Lancaster Park
Long awaited improvements at John G. Lancaster Park in Lexington Park are underway. Work includes the construction of two multi-purpose athletic fields, a parking lot for 120 cars, a new entrance road and road improvements along Willows Road.
The project will provide badly needed facilities and practice areas for youth football, lacrosse and soccer. "The new facilities will go a long way in addressing the shortage of athletic fields for youth sports in the California and Lexington Park areas," said Brian Loewe, St. Mary's County Recreation and Parks director.
Recreation and Parks wishes to thank citizens for their patience during the construction period. The project is not expected to affect users of existing park amenities at Lancaster Park as the current facilities are accessed via the original park entrance.
This improvement project was made possible through funding from the Commissioners of St. Mary's County and Maryland's Program Open Space.
John G. Lancaster Park is located at 21550 Willows Road, in Lexington Park. Questions or comments regarding the improvement project at Lancaster Park should be addressed with Recreation and Parks at 301-475-4200 ext. *1811. Issues regarding park maintenance should be addressed to the Parks Division at 301-863-8400 ext. 3570.
Applications Now Being Accepted for St. Mary's County Building Code Board of Appeals
The Commissioners of St. Mary's County currently seek three (3) or more applicants interested in serving on the St. Mary's County Building Code Board of Appeals. Individuals should be licensed professional engineers; licensed master electricians, master plumbers, or master natural gas fitters; heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration contractors holding a master license; and individuals with expertise in the building trades. Appointees will serve three year terms. No compensation is provided.
Pursuant to Resolution No. 2016- 24, the St. Mary's County Building Code Board of Appeals shall hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by a building inspector and may grant modifications for individual cases.
Appointees will be expected to attend all meetings.
All citizens interested in volunteering their time should complete the application available on the County's website and attach resume at co.saint-marys.md.us/voluntr/. Applications should be received by close of business on August 22, 2016
Homeowners' Associations and Communities Invited to Launch Mosquito Reduction Campaign
The St. Mary's County Health Department has developed a Toolkit that Homeowners' Associations and housing communities can use to launch a Neighborhood Mosquito Source Reduction Campaign. In addition to being a general nuisance, mosquitos are known to cause various illnesses such as dengue, chikungunya and Zika virus disease. A Mosquito Source Reduction Campaign helps neighborhoods decrease local mosquitos by getting homeowners to remove sources of mosquito breeding in their yards.
Homeowners' Association volunteers or others coordinating a neighborhood campaign could share information with their neighbors about how to reduce mosquitoes. Campaigns could also involve neighborhood volunteers going door-to-door in their communities to help property owners detect and address mosquito breeding sites.
The Neighborhood Mosquito Source Reduction Campaign Toolkit contains outreach materials, template letters to property owners, sample community newsletter articles, and additional information to address neighborhood mosquito control. The Toolkit materials are available electronically at www.smchd.org/mosquito-control.
The health department is also conducting in-person workshops for those interested in implementing a neighborhood mosquito source reduction campaign. Upcoming workshops are scheduled for the following dates and locations:
• August 15: Bay District Volunteer Fire Department, Lexington Park (6:30—7:30 p.m.)
• August 22: Charlotte Hall Library, Charlotte Hall (6:30—7:30 p.m.)
• August 29: St. Mary's County Health Department, Leonardtown (6:30—7:30 p.m.)
For more information about implementing a neighborhood mosquito source reduction campaign in your community, please visit www.smchd.org/mosquito-control or call the health department's Environmental Health Division at 301-475-4321.
Groundhog Tests Positive for Rabies in Leonardtown Neighborhood
The St. Mary's Health Department confirms a groundhog involved in a bite to a human tested positive for rabies. The incident occurred the evening of July 30, 2016 at Fairwood Court in Leonardtown.
The groundhog is the 11th animal from St. Mary's County this year confirmed through laboratory testing to have rabies. Six raccoons, three skunks and one cat have been confirmed as rabid since January 1, 2016. Five animals from St. Mary's County were confirmed to have rabies in 2015 including three raccoons and two cats.
Rabies is a potentially fatal virus that is transmitted through the saliva of an infected animal. Exposure may occur through a bite, scratch or contact with saliva to broken skin or mucous membranes such as the eyes or nose. All animal bites or exposures should be reported promptly to allow for appropriate rabies prevention measures.
The St. Mary's County Health Department urges residents to practice rabies protection this summer and throughout the year by vaccinating their pets and avoiding contact with wild animals that display unusual or aggressive behavior.
Vaccination of pets is a first line of defense against rabies. Pet owners are encouraged to review the shot records of their pets with a veterinarian. The St. Mary's Animal Welfare League holds monthly rabies vaccine clinics March through November for a cost of $15 per vaccine. Clinic dates for the remainder of 2016 are September 12, October 10 and November 14 from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. at the St. Mary's County Fairgrounds in Leonardtown.
To report a bite by any animal, contact the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office at 301-475-8008. For more information about rabies and the rabies vaccination clinics, visit the health department's website at www.smchd.org.