With the recent events unraveling throughout our nation, it has undoubtedly taken a toll on the men and women of the Calvert County Sheriff's Office. Though the daily duties of law enforcement nationwide has not changed, the thoughts that may go through his or her mind every day when they put that uniform on to walk out the door to begin their tour of duty have changed. Law enforcement officers may wonder why they signed up for this job because they may not feel appreciated. Others may change the way they approach a certain situation and their officer safety skills are significantly heightened. These issues have caused one of the most stressful jobs in society to be even more cumbersome. Police officers are forced to make split second decisions some of which could be lifesaving. These decisions will ultimately affect them and others the rest of their lives and will be reviewed for countless hours before they are adjudicated.
Part of the mission of the Calvert County Sheriff's Office (CCSO) deputies is to provide exceptional law enforcement services to the citizens of Calvert County. Throughout these troubling times, CCSO deputies have continued to do their jobs effectively and efficiently. We have taken steps internally to ensure the safety of CCSO deputies is on the fore front. The citizens of Calvert County have undoubtedly done their part for CCSO deputies by showing their gratitude and appreciation in countless ways. Numerous incidents of positive citizen interactions with CCSO deputies are discussed daily throughout the CCSO. The cards and letters that pour into the CCSO are posted conspicuously for deputies to view. CCSO deputies are extremely fortunate to have the community trust and to be able to share in the positive relationships that we have with the majority of the citizens we serve.
Sheriff Mike Evans