CSM Students Earn 2016 Pathways to Engineering Scholarships from TPP
CSM Vice President and Dean of the Leonardtown Campus Dr. Tracy Harris, center, joins Allan Li, a graduate of Great Mills High School, left, and James Grizzle, a graduate of Chopticon High School, right, as they were named recipients of the 2016 Pathways to Engineering Scholarships from The Patuxent Partnership. The Pathways to Engineering program is designed so that students may complete a four-year engineering degree in Southern Maryland. Students complete their first two years of college at CSM and then transfer to the University of Maryland James A. Clark School of Engineering to complete their final two years of studies.
For information on The Patuxent Partnership, visit www.paxpartnership.org.
McDonough Grad Receives Charles Chamber Scholarship for CSM
Tyler Slagle to Pursue Business Degree

William T. "Tyler" Slagle, 17, of Faulkner is the recipient of the 2016-17 Charles County Chamber of Commerce Scholarship established with the College of Southern Maryland Foundation. Slagle will attend CSM to pursue studies in business administration.
The 2016 Maurice J. McDonough High School graduate said he is honored to receive the scholarship from the chamber of commerce. The presentation was made at the chamber's July mixer in White Plains. Slagle is the son of Jeff Slagle and Kelly Robertson-Slagle, who accompanied him to the event.
"I'm excited to start the next phase of my life by attending the College of Southern Maryland and working toward an associate's degree in business administration," Slagle said at the chamber event. "I ultimately hope to continue my education at Christopher Newport University and obtain a bachelor's degree in finance or accounting."
He said he is grateful for the opportunities that the scholarship will provide him.
"Without a doubt, this scholarship will play a key role in achieving my educational goals. Because of your organization's generosity, the financial burden placed on me to pursue my education will be reduced," he told the chamber members in attendance. "That means I can spend more time on my studies, research and extracurricular activities and less time worrying about my finances. Thank you for your investment in the College of Southern Maryland and the futures of students like me."
In high school, the honor roll student said he took several business- and math-related classes to help him prepare for a career in business. He also was a member of the varsity golf and baseball teams.
The $1,000 scholarship is given by the chamber through the CSM Foundation to a Charles County resident, who is majoring in business. Recipients must maintain a 3.0 grade point average and must have a high school diploma or its equivalent. Preference is given to students who demonstrate financial need. Applicants also must write a 100-word essay describing how they believe the Charles County Chamber of Commerce can positively impact the community.
"This is the fifth year that the chamber has awarded a scholarship to a CSM student as part of our annual golf tournament. It was started by Matt Martin and Craig Renner, both of whom are with The St. Charles Companies," said Billie Stachura, chair of the Charles County Chamber of Commerce and owner of BES & Associates Insurance Agency.
The scholarship is funded by sponsors from the business community who are also participants in the chamber's tournament, she said.
"We hope that the recipients will one day be outstanding business people—and that, perhaps, they will be future leaders of the Charles County chamber. This year's recipient, Tyler Slagle, has not only been an excellent student, but he also happened to be a member of the McDonough High School golf team. We've always been proud of the recipients and very glad to be of assistance to them as they pursue their dreams," Stachura said.
"Scholarships are a key component of CSM's efforts to help students succeed," said CSM Development Director Chelsea Brown. A scholarship can be established as an annual scholarship or an endowed scholarship with the CSM Foundation by individuals, organizations, businesses and families.
The CSM Foundation manages more than 100 scholarships that provide assistance for merit and for students in need. During the past five years, the foundation has awarded more than $2.5 million in scholarships. Scholarship categories include nursing, business, child care, criminal justice, communication, fine arts, engineering hospitality, social science, teacher education, nuclear engineering technology and general studies. In addition, students can apply for scholarships geared toward cancer survivors, adults returning to college and veterans as well as for non-credit trades and continuing education programs. Information on the CSM Foundation can be found at foundation.csmd.edu.
Those interested in learning more about giving opportunities or establishing a scholarship should call Brown at 301-934-7649.
Walls Earns Regents Scholarship to Attend UMBC
Award Given to Transfer Student Committed to Academic Excellence

College of Southern Maryland graduate James Walls, 21, of Hughesville has been named a Gross Regents Scholar.
The Regents Scholars Program was established by the University System of Maryland Board of Regents to affirm its commitment to academic excellence and to enable students of exceptional ability to develop fully their intellectual and creative talents. In recognition of the contributions of outstanding transfer students, the Board of Regents awards the Gross Regents Scholarship to a Maryland community college student.
"Every year we have several bright students who apply for this highly coveted scholarship. Unfortunately, the scholarship is offered to only a few because of funding. I am happy that for the past several years, a student from CSM has been awarded the Regents Scholarship," said James Spence Jr., CSM's senior coordinator of transfer services and articulations.
The scholarship recipient must complete an associate degree with a superior grade point average, thus continuing the tradition of high academic standards demonstrated by all Regents Scholars.
Walls graduated in spring 2016 with a 4.0 GPA.
An English major and dean's list student at CSM, Walls said he plans to study computer science at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Walls, who has autism on the higher-functioning end of the spectrum, was diagnosed when he was around 10. He was quick to credit CSM and the services that it offers to students with disabilities as one of the keys to his success.
"CSM has the best Disabilities Support Services team I've met thus far," he said. He also noted staff was "very supportive."
Renata Zgorski, disability supports services coordinator at the Prince Frederick Campus, was the first staff member he met on his CSM journey, he said.
"She has helped me and others with challenges time and time again and always sets time aside for her students," Walls said. "From offering assistance with choosing the best classes and professors to take, to giving that extra push and encouragement toward finals week. From day-one, staff members and professors alike have made time for their students. Each individual in DSS—Ms. Zgorski, Glennis Daniels-Bacchus and Sariya Winters—has a specialty that makes their team one of the best I've met. The three of them have a great synergy."
"So far, CSM has been the best experience I've had in my life," Walls said. "I've been able to interact with people classified as 'normal,' without disabilities, and learn from them. I've been able to find more interests and, because I've encouraged myself to socialize while I've been here, I've been able to make plenty of friends and hear many different stories."
"I would recommend CSM to absolutely anyone," said Walls, who believes that community college, in general, is a great place to start college, especially if students lack the independence required of them at a four-year institution.
Walls is excited that his hard work paid off. "It was a long road to get to this point, and since one has to fail to succeed, I'm really glad I learned from past experience," he said.
Walls' Regents Scholar award will cover the costs for in-state tuition and mandatory fees, university board costs and room charges, and $500 each semester to be used for other education expenses. The award is renewable for a total of four semesters provided the student maintains a minimum 3.5 GPA and completes 12 or more credit hours each semester.