Charles Co. Gov. News Briefs

Cooling Centers Available During Summer Months

When the summer heat begins, it is important to stay cool and hydrated. The public buildings listed below are open during regular business hours for use by residents as cooling centers throughout the summer:

Capital Clubhouse, 3033 Waldorf Market Place, Waldorf

Richard R. Clark Senior Center, 1210 Charles Street, La Plata

Nanjemoy Community Center, 4375 Port Tobacco Road, Nanjemoy

Department of Community Services, 8190 Port Tobacco Road, Port Tobacco

Charles County Public Libraries:

• La Plata Branch, 2 Garrett Avenue, La Plata

• P.D. Brown Memorial Branch, 50 Village Street, Waldorf

• Potomac Branch, 3225 Ruth B. Swan Drive, Indian Head

• Waldorf West Library, 10405 O'Donnell Place, Waldorf

Outdoor Pools:

• La Plata High School, 6035 Radio Station Road, La Plata

• Thomas Stone High School, 3785 Leonardtown Road, Waldorf

• McDonough High School, 7165 Marshall Corner Road, Pomfret

Indoor Pools:

• Donald M. Wade Aquatic Center at St. Charles High School, 5305 Piney Church Road, Waldorf

• North Point High School, 2500 Davis Road, Waldorf

• Lackey High School, 3000 Chicamuxen Rd, Indian Head

To avoid heat-related issues, take additional precautions if you work or spend time outside during extreme heat. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water.

Citizens should call 9-1-1 in the event of any emergency, heat-related, or otherwise.

For additional preparedness information, visit or

Charles County Commissioners Meeting Agendas for July 12 and 13, 2016

Tuesday, July 12

1. [10:00 a.m.] Open Session (Commissioners' Meeting Room)

1.01 [10:00 a.m.] Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance

1.02 [10:00 a.m] Recognition: Proclamation 2016-27 Park and Recreation Month

1.03 [10:00 a.m.] Introduction of 2016 Charles County Government Summer Interns

1.04 [10:15 a.m.] Commissioners' Comments

1.05 [10:15 a.m.] Approval of the Minutes of June 21, 2016

1.06 [10:15 a.m.] Announcement of the Agenda for July 19, 2016

1.07 [10:15 a.m.] Request for Adoption: 2016 Draft Comprehensive Plan

1.08 [10:20 a.m.] Approval Items

1.09 [10:20] Briefing: FY17 Economic Development Grant Awards to Tri-County Council, Southern Maryland Education Center, and TechFire (Mr. Darrell Brown, Director of Economic Development/Ms. Marcia Keeth, Business Manager)

1.10 [10:30 a.m.] Briefing and Request for Approval: County Owned Land Disposal Standard Operating Procedure (Mr. Peter Aluotto, Director of Planning & Growth Management/Ms. Judy Michael, Property Acquisition Officer)

2. [10:50 a.m.] Closed Session (Government Building Conference Room)

2.01 [10:50 a.m.] Closed Session (Legal) All or a portion of this session may be closed pursuant to Section 3-305 (b)(1)(7) of the General Provisions Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland


Wednesday, July 13

The County Commissioners will not be holding public session. The Commissioners will be representing the county at other meetings and will conduct individual appointments as scheduled.


County Reorganizational Changes Effective July 1

The reorganizational changes to Charles County Government have begun, effective Friday, July 1. The physical relocation of departments will occur in the coming months. The Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism was created along with changes in the Department of Public Works, Planning and Growth Management, and Community Services.

"The reorganization sets the foundation for a more effective and efficient county government, and provides the unique opportunity to advance recreation and tourism in Charles County," said County Administrator Michael D. Mallinoff, Esq., ICMA-CM. "As the restructuring begins, I look forward to upcoming enhancements to our operations and overall service to residents."

The changes are as follows:

DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION, PARKS, AND TOURISM: Eileen Minnick (former director of the Department of Community Services) will serve as director of this newly created Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism. New to the department's staff are Debra L. Pence, chief of Tourism and Special Events, and Gregory A. Kernan, chief of Parks and Grounds. The Tourism and Parks Divisions will be relocated to the county building at 8190 Port Tobacco Road in Port Tobacco. The Grounds Division of the Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism will remain at the Audie Lane complex located in La Plata off Radio Station Road.

DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES: Recruitment efforts to fill the Department of Community Services director position are ongoing. The director will oversee Aging and Senior Programs Division, Housing Division, Vision 2020 Program, Local Management Board, and Child Care Center. The physical location of the Department of Community Services will remain at 8190 Port Tobacco Road in Port Tobacco.

CAPITAL SERVICES DIVISION: The Capital Services Division is now within to the Department of Public Works. The physical location of the Capital Services Division will move at a later date to the Audie Lane complex located in La Plata off Radio Station Road.

TRANSPORTATION DIVISION: The Transportation Division is now within the Department of Planning and Growth Management. This change will allow for better coordination of public transit services alongside long-range transportation projects. The physical location of the Transportation Division will move to the County Government Building at 200 Baltimore Street in La Plata.

For more information about Charles County departments and divisions, visit Citizens with special needs who wish to attend may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.

Board of Appeals to Hear Public Testimony on Walmart Supercenter

The Board of Appeals will hear public testimony on the Walmart Supercenter Docket #1325 on Tuesday, July 26 at 7 p.m. in the Commissioner's Meeting Room of the Charles County Government building (200 Baltimore Street, La Plata). Board of Appeal meetings are aired live on CCGTV, which broadcasts on Comcast channel 95 and Verizon channel 10. The initial public hearing on this matter was held on April 14, 2015.

Speaker sign-up will begin at 6:30 p.m. and conclude at 7 p.m. Each speaker will have no more than three (3) minutes to speak.

A Walmart Supercenter is proposed at Mattawoman Drive and southbound Crain Highway (Route 301) in Waldorf, Maryland. The applicant is requesting a Special Exception from the Board of Appeals, as provided in Article XIII Section 297-212 (Use No. 6.01.150-Retail Sales over 100,000 square feet on one floor). The proposal is for a one-story building that is approximately 184,015 square feet and an open-air garden center that is approximately 8,452 square feet. The subject property is part of a larger approved development known as "Waldorf Station." The proposed use will occupy approximately 20.01 acres of the 143.67 acre property located in the Transit Oriented Development Zone, with Highway Corridor and Resource Protection Zone overlays.

Board of Appeals meeting agendas are available for public viewing at

For more information, contact the Clerk to the Board of Appeals Carroll Everett at 301-645-0540 or Citizens with special needs who wish to attend may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.

County Administrator's Monthly Report Now Features Video Series

The County Administrator's Monthly Report, an electronic publication available on the county's website, now includes monthly video segments. Each video will feature County Administrator Michael D. Mallinoff, Esq., ICMA-CM discussing with departmental directors the latest county government news and initiatives. Videos will be posted online at

"The addition of video to the County Administrator's Monthly Report will allow vital county information to be presented to the Commissioners and public in another user-friendly format," said Mallinoff. "I look forward to further increasing our transparency and promotion of our upcoming county news through the Monthly Report videos. I encourage the public to visit our website each month to view the latest video and learn more about how county government is working for you."

The first Monthly Report video features Darrell Brown, director of the Department of Economic Development. In the video, Mallinoff and Brown discuss the five-year Economic Development Strategic Plan and its impact on the county.

DVD copies of Monthly Report videos are available for $6. To request a DVD, visit, click on "More CCGTV," click "request DVD copies," and fill out the online form.

For more information about Monthly Report videos, contact the Public Information Office at 301-885-2779 or Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.

Tri-County Animal Shelter Announces July Promotions

The Tri-County Animal Shelter is pleased to announce the following July monthly promotions and reminders:

CLEAR THE SHELTER (SATURDAY, JULY 23): On this special day, the Tri-County Animal Shelter is providing no-cost adoptions, as a part of the nationwide Clear the Shelters initiative that seeks to find homes for homeless pets. The shelter will have animals available for adoption at the shelter location (6707 Animal Shelter Road, Hughesville) and the Dunkirk PetSmart (10400 Southern Maryland Boulevard, Dunkirk). Adoption hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Come to the shelter to find a furry companion to add to your family.

The Tri-County Animal Shelter is located at 6707 Animal Shelter Road in Hughesville. Shelter staff can be reached at 301-932-1713 or 800-903-1992. Adoption hours are Monday-Friday, noon to 5 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. To view animals available for adoption, visit or to find your "purrfect" pet.

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