At the June 9, 2016 meeting, the Calvert County Public Schools Board of Education honored the athletes who won state championships during the winter and spring seasons.
Dr. Daniel D. Curry, Superintendent, said, "Our student athletes have continued to shine their light all around the state. They are outstanding kids maintaining rigorous school schedules and excelling, while working hard after school for their sport. We're extremely proud of them."
The state champions from the winter season are:
• Matthew Bennett, Indoor Track 1600, Northern High, Coach Josh Dawson;
• Jackson Drum, Wrestling at 182 pounds, Northern High, Coach John Battle;
• Gregory Gordon, 50-Yard Freestyle in Swimming, Huntingtown High, Coach Chris Morgan;
• Hayley Jackson, Indoor Track 1600 and 3200, Patuxent High, Coach David Walser; and
• Girls Indoor Track and Field Team, Northern High, Coach Josh Dawson.
The state champions from the spring season are:
• Matthew Bennett, Outdoor Track 1600 and 3200, Northern High, Coach Josh Dawson;
• Robert Meador, Discus, Huntingtown High, Coaches Valerie Harrington and Jim Hall;
• Harleigh White, Triple Jump, Huntingtown High, Coach Valerie Harrington;
• 400-Meter Relay Team (Greg Leonard, Tyler Gross, Joel Torney and Ethan Hillman), Patuxent High, Coach David Walser; and
• Baseball Team, Huntingtown High, Coaches Guy Smith, Steve Willett, Dan Goucher, Ian Schwalenberg and Chris Gaines.
In this highly successful season, several achievements are especially noteworthy.
The multiple State titles won by distance runners Matthew Bennett, Northern High, and Hayley Jackson, Patuxent High, in the winter and spring followed their fall cross country State championships.
Accomplished triple jumper Harleigh White, Huntingtown High, was named an All-American Indoor Track & Field athlete for her performance in the National High School Indoor Track meet in triple jump.
The Huntingtown High team captured the first baseball State title in the history of Calvert County Public Schools. Players Spencer Cooper, A.J. Demino, Danny Goucher, Peter Harding, Eddie Harris, Alec Holtkamp, Clayton Lambert, Matt Laur, Tyler Livingston, Jack Morales, Ian Morgan, Joe Mozingo, Andrew Pawlowski, Ethan Poore, Devaughn Reid, Ryan Terrents and Brandyn Vogtsberger are the first male State champions at Huntingtown High.
Northern High girls indoor track and field team members Molly Barrick, Dakota Campbell, Sarah Deresky, Claudia Dolan, Julia Gray, Alanis Loveless, Kayla Rexroth, Kat Strayer, Alaina TeSelle, Amy Trembly, Mary Twetten, and Adrianna Wilder brought home the school's first State title in this event.
Administrative Appointments
At the meeting on June 9, 2016, the Board of Education of Calvert County Public Schools appointed Kevin Howard as Supervisor of Human Resources and Cecelia Lewis as Supervisor of Social Studies.
Dr. Daniel Curry, Superintendent, said, "People move to Calvert County for the schools, and many more move here for the opportunity to work in our schools. Here we have a couple of outstanding leaders who came to us following initial experiences in other Maryland counties. We are so glad they chose Calvert."
Mr. Howard is a graduate of Towson University and earned his Master's degree at Johns Hopkins University. He first worked as an attendance officer at Overlea High School in Baltimore County, later becoming a school counselor there. The next step in his career took him to Montgomery County Public Schools, where he served as summer school principal, guidance chair and assistant principal before coming to Calvert County as a vice principal at Patuxent High School. He was also vice principal at Calvert High and Windy Hill Middle before being promoted to principal of Northern High in 2014.
A graduate of St. Mary's Ryken High School, Ms. Lewis received her Bachelor's degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and her Master's degree from Bowie State University. She began her career in education teaching social studies at Southern Maryland Christian Academy. She then moved to Prince George's County Public Schools, where she served as a social studies teacher coordinator and department chair. After six years in Prince George's County, she was hired as an instructional specialist for Charles County Public Schools and later became an administrative assistant. In 2014, she came to Calvert County Public Schools as a vice principal at Huntingtown High.
Board of Education Honors Robotics Winners
At the June 9, 2016 meeting, the Calvert County Public Schools (CCPS) Board of Education honored the Calvert High School VEX Robotics team for its many successes during the 2015-2016 school year. The team competed in the VEX World Championship in Louisville, Kentucky for the fourth time after qualifying by earning a finalist spot at the Maryland State Championship.
Dr. Daniel Curry, Superintendent, said, "We are proud of the CHS team and the strong STEM program in CCPS. Their success demonstrates what can happen when you work hard, when you have great instructors and when you are encouraged to use all you know to solve challenging problems."
The winning team was coached by Karl Sturge and Robert Bryner and was comprised of members Sean Kim, Paul Goldsmith, Chad Crisman, Kyle Berberian and Gabe Piatt.
In all, twenty-one students from Calvert High competed on robotics teams this year. Their accolades include being recognized for the "Innovate" Award for creating an innovative feature on a robot, the "Amaze" Award for overall quality of a robot and the "Skills" Award for robot performance and programming. The teams also won the "Volunteer of the Year" Award, which honors students and coaches for volunteering their time at the middle school VEX tournaments.
According to the Robotics Education and Competition Foundation, during the competitions teams are tasked with designing and building a robot to play against other teams in a game-based engineering challenge. Students use the VEX Robotics Design System to create innovative robots built to score the most points possible. Classroom STEM concepts are put to the test in competition as students learn lifelong skills in teamwork, leadership, communications, and more.