The Calvert Marine Museum has received the donation of an ark, and not Noah's Ark, but Calvert County's own thirty-foot version. The fascinating story began in the mid-1930s when the Rev. Benjamin Lovett purchased a wooden lifeboat off the 1906-built passenger liner Mount Vernon, formerly the German Kronzprinzessin Cecilie. The Cecilie was seized by the United States when it entered World War I, and laid-up in the Patuxent River after the war as part of the so-called "Ghost Fleet." Rev. Lovett had it brought to his summer place on Hungerford Creek, hauled it out of the water, and had a house built on top. Part of the boat was a chapel and the other part an occasional residence. Later, electrical service was added.
The Ark on the banks of Hungerford Creek became a familiar sight to boaters for the next 80 years, and went through numerous changes of ownership, until recently donated to the Calvert Marine Museum by Robert Moeller of Lusby. Moeller, a long-time Southern Maryland resident and general contractor, coordinated the relocation of the Ark and used his business connections to get donations of labor and equipment. It was a great group effort and the museum would like to thank several people involved. This includes Brett Loveless, Mark Smith, and Gary Grierson of Dunkirk Supply, for making a 40-ton crane available. Dave Abell and Sam Thompson of McCready's Railway, who donated the use of their hydraulic boat trailer, with on-site loading help from Laurence Moeller and Andy Serb. Thanks also to Andy Serb, along with other adjacent landowners Norma and Erin Brown, Samantha White, Cathy and Andy Grahame, and Jenny and Mark Patterson, for making it possible to move the Ark through their properties to gain access to McCready Road.
The Ark will need considerable repair to reverse the ravages of time and weather, and a new cradle built to better support the hull. The museum will be looking into a long-term home for the Ark, where this unique piece of Calvert County's maritime heritage can be appreciated. In the meantime, research into its history continues. If you have information or photographs to share, please contact Richard Dodds at the museum at 410 326-2042 ext. 31 or email at
Historic Sunset Supper Cruises
Climb aboard the Wm. B. Tennison for a 90-minute Sunset Supper Cruise through history, followed by a light supper, on Saturday, June 18 from 5:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Tickets are $50 per person. Reserve your spot today by calling 410-326-2042, ext. 41 or emailing
Coby Treadway, historian and museum educator, will share fascinating facts about Solomons, the WWII Amphibious Training Base, and Solomon's rich tradition of boat building. While munching appetizers, see old steamboat wharfs and hear about the important role they played in town life. View historic homes, landmarks, and other points of interest. Discover where heroic battles were fought, submarines sunk, lighthouses lit, Ghost fleets docked, and watch the sunset over the horizon.
After the cruise, participants will return to the museum for a short presentation and a light supper from Lotus Kitchen. Participants are invited to bring their own libations. Sunset Supper History Cruises will also be offered on Saturdays, August 6 and September 17.
CMM Volunteer Council Announces Scholarship Winners

What started as a mere idea a year ago by the CMM Volunteer Council developed into the awarding of five scholarships on Friday, June 10, 2016 at the Calvert Marine Museum. The Volunteer Council, led by President Judy Larsen and Vice President Ray Brule, wanted to give incentives to young volunteers and established a new scholarship program in early January for students pursuing higher education. Five $500 scholarships were awarded and presented by Squeak, CMM's very own otter. The recipients are: Veronica Booth, Des'ree Brown, Bethany Hoschar, Courtney Mattson, and Shayna Zabiegalski.
These young volunteers understand the importance of giving back to the community and CMM is proud to have them as members of the volunteer family. "I'm proud of this award and have learned a lot and got to meet a lot of great people. I started volunteering two years ago and this experience helped me decide that Biology and Environmental Science was the field for me," said award recipient Courtney Mattson. The program is open to applicants 25 years and younger who are in college, or are graduating high school seniors headed to college, and have completed 20 hours of volunteer service at CMM during the year.
Assisting with the generous funding to allow for five recipient awards was the CMM Volunteer Council, Board of Governors, Patuxent Small Craft Guild, Canoe/Kayak Club, and the Solomons Island Model Boat Club (SIMBC). "This idea began with offering one scholarship and we were so pleased that the other clubs and Board of Governors jumped on board," said Volunteer Council Vice President, Ray Brule.
For complete details and to learn more about the program, contact the CMM Volunteer Coordinator at 410-326-2042, ext. 19, or visit the museum's website at