SOLOMONS, Md. (June 6, 2016)—The Calvert Marine Museum (CMM) recently donated a 3D printer to the Science Department at Patuxent High School (PHS). This was made possible by the MakerBot Buy Two, Give One Promotion.
It all began last fall when CMM received a Museum for America grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services for the purchase of Avizo 3D Software and a MakerBot Replicator Z-18 3D printer. This equipment allows the museum paleontology staff to digitally scan the fossil collection and to print images and create life-size plastic replicas. These can be used for educational programming, public exhibits, conferences, and peer–reviewed journals. Upon purchase of the equipment, MakerBot graciously donated another MakerBot printer and what better place to put this machine to use, but at the nearest high school—Patuxent Senior High School.
"The printer has generated a lot of interest and excitement for the students and we are happy to integrate this into our program," said Jimmy Yurko, Science Teacher at PHS. Will Gotsch, PHS student said the printer was needed and it was great to have something they could use and easily understand. He will look forward to using it for robotics.
The MakerBot printer is a great asset and supports Patuxent's "Project Lead the Way" program. Project Lead the Way supplies STEM curricula to schools. It is a nationally grant funded program that advances students' ability to innovate, think critically and collaborate to solve problems.