This is one in a series of stories that feature military personnel serving at Naval Air Station Patuxent River.
PATUXENT RIVER, Md. (June 2, 2016)—A 2009 Soledad High School graduate and Soledad, California native is serving "Where the future of naval aviation begins" at Naval Air Station (NAS) Patuxent River, located in Patuxent River, Maryland.
Petty Officer 3rd Class Cody Prickett is an electronics technician at NAS Patuxent River, responsible for maintaining overall communications equipment for the airfield on NAS Pax River.
Located at the mouth of the Patuxent River, the 14,500-acre complex is host to Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) headquarters and Headquarters, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR). These two entities provide the full spectrum of acquisition management, research and development capabilities, air and ground test and evaluation, aircraft logistics and maintenance management.
"What I enjoy most about my job is the camaraderie I share amongst my fellow sailors," said Prickett.
NAS Patuxent River is home to the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School and the Atlantic Test Range and 50 other tenant commands. The facilities at Patuxent River are utilized by foreign governments, academic institutions and private industry for similar projects and deliver effective and efficient installation management enabling tenants to achieve integrated warfare systems and life cycle sustainment.
Prickett said he and other sailors are proud to be serving at a command that readily defends America at at all times.
"I enjoy having the great opportunity to work with various communication equipment that strengthens my skill set on a daily basis," said Prickett.
With more than 800 employees assigned to the host naval air station staff, the civilian and military "Pax Pros" work hard to ensure the continued security, safety and first-class services are provided to all 20,000+ employees working aboard the installation, according to Navy officials.
"The work our sailors and civilians do every day is extremely important to both the current health and future of Naval Aviation, and it directly impacts the Fleet," said Capt. Scott Starkey, Naval Air Station Patuxent River commanding officer. "From our Naval Security Force that keep us secure, to our Fire and Emergency Services, child care professionals and morale welfare and recreation personnel, and our Air and Port Operations Team, and everything in-between, our PAX TEAM enables our tenants' missions and positively impacts research, development, testing and evaluation. We are extremely proud of our personnel and the important work they do every day."
Serving in Navy, Prickett is learning about being more of a leader through handling numerous responsibilities.
"The Navy has made me more responsible," said Prickett. "It's provided me with financial stability and the morals and values instilled in me from the Navy has made me both a better sailor and man."