Dog owners may now register to obtain a dog license/tag online. Simply go to stmarysmd.com/treasurer/doglicensenew.asp to begin the process. Owners must upload a current Rabies Vaccination Certificate.
This new application can be accessed from a home computer, laptop or mobile device. Photos can even be uploaded in the event a registered dog turns up missing. Register today!
Walk-in registration is still available at three locations:
Animal Control Office
Department of Emergency Services
23090 Leonard Hall Drive
Leonardtown, MD 20650
Tri-County Animal Shelter
6707 Animal Shelter Road
Hughesville, MD 20637
Treasurer's Office
23150 Leonard Hall Drive
Leonardtown, MD 20650
301-475-4200 *3300
EDC Changes Date and Location of June Meeting
The St. Mary's County Economic Development Commission (EDC) will hold its June meeting on Wednesday, June 29 starting at 6 p.m. in the Russell Conference Room located on the second floor of the Carter State Office Building, 23110 Leonard Hall Drive, Leonardtown, MD.
EDC meetings are open to the general public. For more information about the EDC and the monthly meetings, contact Robin Finnacom, Deputy Director, St. Mary's County Department of Economic Development at 301-475-4200, ext. *1407.
June 11 is Heritage Day at St. Clement's Island State Park
The Museum Division of St. Mary's County Department of Recreation and Parks will offer St. Clement's Island Heritage Day on Saturday, June 11, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is invited to visit the St. Clement's Island Museum and enjoy free museum admission, as well as free boat rides to St. Clement's Island State Park, for a day of history, fun activities, interesting exhibitor, and scenic waterside vistas. The last boat ride to the island will leave the museum pier at 2 p.m. and the last boat back to the mainland will be at 3 p.m.
Discover St. Clement's Island State Park and its history as the site of Maryland's first colonial landing in 1634. Kids will enjoy free watermelon while playing heritage games. Historic St. Mary's City will present the Native American Woodland Indians with a hands-on exhibit. Re-enactors Mike and Virginia Barbour will portray the colonial land owner Dr. Thomas Gerard and his daughter Elizabeth. Re-enactor Pete Woodside will discuss life as the keeper of Blackistone Lighthouse. Martin Gary, Executive Secretary of the Potomac River Fisheries Commission, will share how the commission helps to conserve and improve aquatic wildlife of the Potomac River.
There will be a book signing featuring Mick Blackstone's latest book, The Blackistones of Maryland. Mick will also have a selection of his other publications available for sale.
Visitors are invited to bring a picnic lunch to enjoy on the island. The reconstructed Blackistone Lighthouse will be open and available for tours. Wear comfortable walking shoes, sun screen, and bring the camera, binoculars and plenty of water.
St. Mary's County Master Gardeners will be located on the museum grounds abundant information about your gardens and how to raise and maintain Maryland's official state flower, the Black-eyed Susan.
The St. Clement's Island Museum is located at 38370 Point Breeze Rd. in Colton's Point. The museum and grounds are handicap accessible but the water taxi and island are not. For more information please call the St. Mary's county Museum Division at 301-769-2222 or visit www.stmarysmd.com/recerate/museums. In the event of rain or high wind boat service will be cancelled and exhibitors and elements of the program will be moved inside the museum.
2016 Hurricane Season has Arrived
Today marks the start of the 2016 Atlantic Hurricane season. The St. Mary's County Department of Emergency Services & Technology has teamed up with the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and the National Weather Service (NWS) to promote citizen awareness and preparedness. The season lasts until November. Most hurricane-like weather is seen mid-August and late October. St. Mary's County is most at risk for strong winds, heavy rain, inland flooding, and other severe weather.
In addition, residents can take the following actions now in order to prepare for hurricane season:
• Clear out rain gutters so water doesn't back up and end up in your house.
• Around the dinner table, talk to your family about where you would meet in the event of an emergency.
• If you have pets, identify some pet-friendly hotels in case you have to evacuate.
• Program "In Case of Emergency" contacts into your phone.
• Teach friends and family members to text on their cell-phones, text messages can often get through when phone calls can't.
• Make copies of important documents for your emergency kit. (medications, medical information, proof of address, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies, etc.) Consider putting them on a secure flash drive, as well.
• Get an extra set of house and car keys made for your emergency kit.
• Download the free MARYLAND Prepares mobile app, which includes weather and emergency alerts at mema.maryland.gov/Pages/mdprepares.aspx.
• Teach everyone how to turn off the utilities in your house (electricity, gas, water, etc.) so they can do it in case of an evacuation.
• Pick up canned goods when your store has a sale, they will last a long time and ensure you will have something to eat if you can't go out to the store.
More information can be found on the web at prepare.stmarysmd.com and mema.maryland.gov.