Donald Giampetroni with his daughters, Isabella Giampetroni and Jenna Leitzel. (Photo courtesy Charles Co. Gov.)
Giampetroni Recognized as Maryland Star of Life Award Recipient
Charles County Department of Emergency Services Paramedic Donald Giampetroni was recognized as a Maryland Star of Life Award recipient by the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems. Giampetroni was recognized for his lifesaving efforts during the 2016 10K Across the Bay Run on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. The Maryland Star of Life Award is awarded to an individual, multiple individuals, or teams for an outstanding rescue by Emergency Medical Service personnel.
Watershed Protection and Restoration Program Financial Assurance Plan Public Hearing Scheduled for June 7
The Charles County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on the draft Watershed Protection and Restoration Program Financial Assurance Plan during the County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, June 7 at 6 p.m. in the Charles County Government Building (200 Baltimore Street, La Plata).
This plan is prepared in accordance with Senate Bill 863 (2015 session); codified in COMAR, Subsection 4-202.1, and is required to be filed with the Maryland Department of the Environment on or prior to July 1.
The plan includes five elements specified in COMAR, which are generally described as: actions necessary to meet the national pollutant discharge elimination system Phase I municipal separate storm sewer system permit; projected costs and revenues to meet the permit's impervious surface restoration requirements; sources of funds to meet the overall permit requirements; and specific actions and expenditures implemented in previous fiscal years to meet the permit's impervious surface restoration requirements.
The draft document will be available beginning Friday, June 3, on the county's Boarddocs website under the agenda for June 7, 2016 (Tue): Citizens wishing to make oral or written comments are encouraged to attend the public hearing. Those individuals or representatives of groups wishing to speak must sign in. Each speaker will have three (3) minutes to speak.
For more information about the public hearing, contact Karen Wiggen at or 301-645-0540. Citizens with special needs, contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Scheduled June 4
The Charles County Department of Public Works would like to remind citizens that the next household hazardous waste collection will be held on Saturday, June 4. The household hazardous waste collection site is located in the parking lot of the Department of Public Works building, located at 10430 Audie Lane, off of Radio Station Road in La Plata. Collection hours are 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Items accepted free of charge include: pesticides, herbicides, fertilizer, gasoline, oil-based paint, cleaning supplies, pool chemicals, fluorescent lights, mercury thermometers, and other poisons found in the home. Please remember to mark any container that does not have a readable, original label.
Unacceptable materials include bio-medical waste (sharps, needles, anything with bodily fluids), latex paint, prescription drugs, and ammunition. Used motor oil, anti-freeze, propane tanks, and batteries are accepted on a regular basis at various collection sites. Latex paint is not considered hazardous waste and can be placed in your household trash as long as it is solidified. This can be accomplished by adding kitty litter, shredded paper, paint hardener, or sawdust to aid in drying it out.
Household hazardous waste collection will occur on the first Saturday of each month through December. Upcoming 2016 collection dates are: June 4, July 2, Aug. 6, Sept. 3, Oct. 1, Nov. 5, and Dec. 3.
For more information, call the Charles County Department of Public Works, Environmental Resources Division at 301-932-3599 or 301-870-2778, or the landfill and recycling information line at 301-932-5656. Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.
Commission for Women Announces Meeting Location and Schedule Changes
Starting in June, the Charles County Commission for Women meetings will be held at 10665 Stanhaven Place, Suite #206, White Plains. The Commission meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. The next Commission for Women meeting is scheduled for June 10. The Commission will not meet in August.
The Commission for Women was established in 1996 to better define and identify services needed for the county women. The Commission works to raise awareness of issues affecting women and their families by serving as a conduit between women and existing services and advocating for programs, education, and legislation. The Commission's four initiatives include partnerships, advocacy, homelessness, and youth.
For more information about the Commission for Women, visit or email at Follow us on Twitter at, or find us on Facebook at
Charles County Commissioners' June Town Hall Meeting Schedule
The Charles County Commissioners invite the public to attend the June town hall meetings as scheduled below. The purpose of Commissioner town hall meetings is to take questions from those in attendance and to discuss items of importance to the citizens and the community.
Amanda Stewart, M.Ed. (District 3)
Monday, June 13, 6:30 p.m.
Waldorf West Library, Room A (10405 O'Donnell Place, Waldorf)
Board of County Commissioners' Quarterly Town Hall Meeting (District 2)
Tuesday, June 28 at 6 p.m.
Village Green Pavilion (100 Walter Thomas Road, Indian Head)
Future town hall meeting dates are available at
For more information, contact the Public Information Office at 301-885-2779 or Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 866-269-9006.
County Government Staff Teaches Watershed Education at Charles County Public Schools
On Friday, May 6, the Department of Planning and Growth Management's Watershed Protection and Restoration Program (WPRP) staff participated in its second of six career days at Charles County Public Schools. The goal is to educate students about the county's watershed protection and stormwater management related programs and careers, the goals of the WPRP, and how they can protect county watersheds and waterways. For more information on WPRP, call 301-645-0580 or visit