Shed Fire in Leonardtown Spreads to House, Kills Dog
On Tuesday, April 5, around 6:24 a.m., a fire started inside a shed by a propane heater that was being used to keep the family dog warm. The fire, which was discovered by the home owner, spread to the nearby house causing significant damage before being extinguished by the fire department.
The family was displaced as a result of the damage to the house and the family dog perished in the shed.
The residence is located at 22679 Cedar Lane Court, Leonardtown.
Damages are estimated at $100,000 for the structure and $25,000 for the contents.
The primary responding fire department was Leonardtown VFD. The one alarm fire involved 32 firefighters and took approximately 30 minutes to control.
Abandoned House Destroyed by Fire in Huntingtown
A passer-by reported a possible brush fire in the area of Dunn Road and Wilson Road. Upon arrival of the fire department, it was discovered that an abandoned 15' x 20' single-family house at 1665 Wilson Road, Huntingtown, had been completely burned. The fire was discovered around 4:30 a.m. on Monday, April 4.
The primary responding fire department was Huntingtown VFD. The one-alarm fire took 10 firefighters approximately 30 minutes to control.
The area of origin and preliminary cause are currently under investigation.
Anyone with any information regarding this incident is asked to contact Deputy Shepperd at the Office of the State Fire Marshal, Southern Regional Office, at 443-550-6832.