Bell Helicopter Textron Inc., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded $170,173,188 for modification P00047 to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract (N00019-13-C-0023) for the manufacture and delivery of nine AH-1Z aircraft, and nine auxiliary fuel kits for the government of Pakistan under the Foreign Military Sales program. Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas (60 percent); and Amarillo, Texas (40 percent), and is expected to be completed in September 2018. Foreign military sales funds in the amount of $170,173,188 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.
Bell-Boeing Joint Project Office, Amarillo, Texas, is being awarded $14,485,959 for cost-plus- fixed-fee modification to delivery order 0096 previously issued against basic ordering agreement N00019-12-G-0006 in support of the V-22 aircraft. This modification provides for the procurement of nonrecurring engineering in support of the CV-22 Integrated Aircraft Survivability Equipment (IASE) joint urgent operational need effort as well as 10 CV-22 IASE A-kits. Work will be performed at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (72 percent); Mesa, Arizona (11 percent); St. Louis, Missouri (7 percent); Fort Worth, Texas (3 percent); and various locations throughout the U.S. (7 percent), and is expected to be completed in March 2017. Fiscal 2015 aircraft procurement (Air Force); and fiscal 2015 research, development, test and evaluation (Air Force) funds in the amount of $6,999,999 will be obligated at time of award; $5,119,766 of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.
Bell Helicopter Textron Inc., Fort Worth, Texas, is being issued $7,466,150 for delivery order 0003 against previously awarded basic ordering agreement N00019-16-G-0012 for the procurement and installation of eight AN/APR-39D(V)2 radar system integration kits (A-kits) into Lot 13 AH-1Z and UH-1Y aircraft. Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas, and is expected to be completed in December 2018. Fiscal 2016 aircraft procurement (Navy) funds in the amount of $7,466,150 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.
Bell-Boeing Joint Project Office, Amarillo, Texas, is being awarded $151,274,907 for cost-plus- fixed-fee order 0130 against a previously issued basic ordering agreement (N00019-12-G-0006) for non-recurring engineering services associated with the development of the capability for the Navy variant of the V-22 (CMV-22B) to perform the carrier on-board delivery mission. The capability being added to the baseline MV-22 aircraft is extended range, high frequency beyond line-of-sight radio and a public address system. Work will be performed at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (71.02 percent); Fort Worth, Texas (20.31 percent); Rockmart, Georgia (3.96 percent); St. Louis, Missouri (2.57 percent); and various locations within the continental U.S. (2.14 percent), and is expected to be completed in September 2020. Fiscal 2016 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy) funds in the amount of $15,674,576 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.
Exelis Inc., Annapolis, Maryland, is being awarded an $18,514,372 modification to previously awarded firm-fixed-price, cost-plus-fixed-fee, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract (N00174-11-D-0002) to extend the ordering period and exercise option-year five for the procurement and support of the Transmitting Set, Countermeasures AN/PLT-4 to support explosive ordnance disposal personnel. The AN/PLT-4 is a man-portable system in support of the Joint Service Explosive Ordnance Disposal Counter Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Electronic Warfare program. Work will be performed in Annapolis, Maryland, and is expected to be completed by March 2017. No funds are being obligated at the time of this action. The Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division Indian Head, Maryland, is the contracting activity.