Recipients of a $1,000 scholarship awarded by the Lothian Ruritan Club. (Submitted photo)
LOTHIAN, Md. (April 1, 2016)—The Lothian Ruritan Club presented nine $1,000 scholarships to graduating seniors at its monthly March meeting immediately following a dinner reception at the Mt. Zion United Methodist Church in Lothian.
The scholarship recipients include:
• Mr. Justin Byun, of Chesapeake Beach;
• Mr. Max Strauss, of Tracy's Landing;
• Ms. Abigail Bolander, of West River;
• Ms. Maggie Maidi, of Lothian;
• Ms. Maggie Haley, of Shady Side;
• Ms. Eilia Julian, of Shady Side;
• Ms. Sally Albright, of Edgewater;
• Mr. Zachary Thompson, of West River (represented by his sister Jessica Thompson, Zachary was playing baseball for Archbishop Spalding High School); and
• Ms. Rebecca Mikules from Churchton (not present for the presentation).
The scholarship recipients were selected based on their scholastic standing and their community service activities.
The scholarships were funded by the Ruritan Club, club members, and friends of the club.
Ruritan is a civic service organization made up of local clubs in urban areas, small towns and rural communities, according to the organization's Web site. Ruritan's purpose is to create a better understanding among people and through volunteer community service, make America's communities better places in which to live and work. The slogan of Ruritan is "Fellowship, Goodwill and Community Service."