LA PLATA, Md. (March 30, 2016)—Charles County Public Schools hosted the 2016 History, Industry, Technology & Science Expo on March 19 at St. Charles High School, during which students presented History Day entries. First- and second-place category winners advance to the state competition on May 7 at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
The following students placed at the Charles County History Day competition.
Winners in the Historical Paper, junior division, are
• Sara Jarboe, first place, seventh grade, Piccowaxen Middle School, "Exploritis": Roy Chapman Andrews - Leader of the Central Asiatic Expeditions;
• Kylee Flint, second place, seventh grade, Piccowaxen, Amelia Earhart: An Explorer of Gender Roles and New Worlds for Women; and
• Casey Pham, third place, seventh grade, Milton M. Somers Middle School, Glenn Curtis and the Wright Brothers: The Patent War and Its Impact.
Winner in the Historical Paper, senior division, is
• Cedric Holley, first place, sophomore, St. Charles High School, Heroes, Villains, or Neither? The Axis Powers During World War II.
Winners in the Individual Performance, junior division, are
• Brynna Bode, first place, seventh grade, General Smallwood Middle School, Bacon's Rebellion; and
• Marissa Parks, second place, seventh grade, Benjamin Stoddert Middle School, The Sinking of the Titanic.
Winner in the Individual Performance, senior division, is
• Cheyenne Scott, first place, senior, North Point High School, Technology: The Next Frontier.
Winners in the Group Performance, junior division, are
• Finnely Brakke and Sahana Venkatesh, first place, seventh graders, Smallwood, The Spark;
• Kori Adams, Garrison Brown and Lanny Weese, second place, seventh graders, Smallwood, The Expedition of Lewis and Clark; and
• Morgan Jones and Alexandra Winkler, third place, seventh graders, Somers, Abigail and John Adams: Intimate Exchange.
Winners in the Individual Documentary, junior division, are
• Jordan Homan, first place, eighth grade, Piccowaxen, Jacques Cousteau: Explorer of the Seas;
• Emily Belson, second place, seventh grade, Somers, A Holiday Miracle: The 1914 Christmas Truce; and
• Cole Schubert, third place, seventh grade, Somers, Yuri Gagarin: Man in Space.
Winner in the Individual Documentary, senior division, is
• Jordan Queen, first place, senior, Westlake, When Terrorism Encounters Heroism.
Winners in the Individual Website, junior division, are
• Katarina Lile, first place, seventh grade, Matthew Henson Middle School, Caroline Herschel;
• Matthew Hale, second place, seventh grade, Piccowaxen, Jackie Robinson and America's Favorite Pastime: Conquering Racism in America; and
• Masia Vicente, third place, eighth grade, Piccowaxen, The Harlem Renaissance: Exploring African American Culture.
Winners in the Group Website, junior division, are
• Abby Hays and Jasmyn Simmons, first place, seventh graders, Smallwood, The Little Rock Nine;
• Lila Flores and Ajay Hill, second place, seventh graders, St. Mary's Bryantown School, Jonas Salk: Exploration of the Polio Vaccine; and
• Jahari George and Takiyah Roberts, third place, seventh graders, Theodore G. Davis Middle School, Who Was Here First?
Winners in the Group Website, senior division, are
• Zeles Amoah and Mehar Malik, first place, juniors, Westlake High School, Moon Exploration: Apollo 11.
Winners in the Individual Exhibit, junior division, are
• Eyana Dixon, first place, eighth grade, Somers, The Harlem Renaissance;
• Christian Merchant, second place, seventh grade, Piccowaxen, General George S. Patton; and
• Lilly Bull, third place, eighth place, St. Mary's Bryantown, The American Dream.
Winners in the Individual Exhibit, senior division, are
• Jasmine Andrade, first place, senior, Westlake, The Evolution of Hip Hop; and
• Jayla Gray-Thomas, second place, sophomore, St. Charles, The Atlantic Slave Trade.
Winners in the Group Exhibit, junior division, are
• Lena DeFilippo and Alexis Gray, first place, seventh graders, John Hanson Middle School, Martha Graham: Changing Dance Forever; and
• Madyson Ferrer and Erika Quenano, second place, sixth graders, St. Mary's Bryantown, Sacagawea and her Expedition with Lewis and Clark.
The following students received special awards:
• Aidan Hoffman and Logan Hoffman, seventh graders, Somers, Sigmund Freud: The Father of Psychology, award from the African American Heritage Society of Charles County;
• Masia Vicente, eighth grade, Piccowaxen, The Harlem Renaissance: Exploring African-American Culture; and Matthew Hale, seventh grade, Piccowaxen, Jackie Robinson and America's Pastime: Conquering Racism in America, awards from Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Nu Zeta Omega chapter;
• Eyana Dixon, eighth grade, Piccowaxen, Somers, The Harlem Renaissance; Arianna Hawkins, seventh grade, Mattawoman Middle School, Encounter in Little Rock: Desegregating Central High School; and Jasmine Andrade, senior, Westlake, Evolution of Hip Hop, awards from Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Sigma Alpha Lambda chapter;
• Lena DeFilippo and Alexis Gray, seventh graders, Hanson, Martha Graham: Changing Dance Forever, award from the Charles County Antique Arts Association;
• Jacob Elder, seventh grade, General Smallwood, Mallows Bay, award from the Charles County Archaeological Society of Maryland;
• Caleb Wiggins, seventh grade, Henson, Exploring and Encountering the Devastation of Hurricane Katrina, the Charles County, Maryland Geological Society;
• Jayla Gray-Thomas, sophomore, St. Charles, The Atlantic Slave Trade; and Mitchell Park, seventh grade, Hanson, Armed with Oars, awards from the Charles County Heritage Commission;
• Ashley Park, seventh grade, Somers, Lewis and Clark Expedition, award from the Charles County Historic Trust;
• Kylee Flint, seventh grade, Piccowaxen, Amelia Earhart: An Explorer of Gender Roles and New Worlds for Women, award from the Charles County Commission for Women;
• Abi Rogalski, seventh grade, Piccowaxen, Martha Graham's Movement, award from Daughters of the American Revolution, Port Tobacco chapter;
• Sara Jarboe, seventh grade, Piccowaxen, "Exploritis": Roy Chapman Andrews Jacques Cousteau: An Inventor, Filmmaker, Explorer and Environmentalist; and Tierra Rush, seventh grade, Hanson, She's Not Ditzy, She's Not Dumb: She's a Cheerleader, awards from the Friendship House Foundation;
• Collin Hicks, seventh grade, Piccowaxen, Salvador Dali; Matthew Hale, seventh grade, Piccowaxen, Jackie Robinson and America's Favorite Pastime: Conquering Racism in America; Yachi Madaan, seventh grade, Hanson, Guru Nanak Dev Ji; Gwyneth Luster, seventh grade, St. Mary's Bryantown, Juan de Ornate: La Ultima Conquistador; and Madyson Ferrer and Erika Quenano, sixth graders, St. Mary's Bryantown, Sacagawea and her Expedition with Lewis and Clark, awards from the Historical Society of Charles County;
• K'Rissa Moore, seventh grade, Smallwood, The Harlem Renaissance, award from the National Pan-Hellenic Council of Southern Maryland;
• Amari Hale, seventh grade, Smallwood, Minersville School District v. Gobitis: When Idolatry Encounters Patriotism, award from Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Omicron Delta Sigma chapter;
• Cheyenne Scott, senior, North Point, Technology: The Next Frontier; and Brynna Bode, seventh grade, General Smallwood, Bacon's Rebellion, awards from the Port Tobacco Players;
• Kayla Jones, seventh grade, Stoddert, The Evolution of Harlem Renaissance, award from the College of Southern Maryland (Talent Search);
• Katarina Lile, seventh grade, Henson, Caroline Herschel, award from the United States Daughters of 1812, Ella Virginia Houck Holloway chapter; and
• Catherine Sylvain, seventh grade, Henson, Charles Darwin: The Theory of Evolution; and Brianna High, eighth grade, Somers, awards from Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Eta Omicron Sigma chapter.