LEONARDTOWN, Md. (March 4, 2016)—Douglas Charles Hughes, age 35, of Hollywood, Maryland, was arrested and charged today with several sexual offenses against minor children. Police say that at the time of the incidents, both minor children were in the care and custody of Hughes.
On March 3, Child Protective Services (CPS) received a referral regarding the possible sexual abuse of a minor child. Detectives from the sheriff's office Criminal Investigation Division (CID) assumed the investigation.
The investigation revealed that over a period of time, Hughes performed various sexual acts on two minor children.
After conferring with the St. Mary's County State's Attorney's Office, Hughes was charged with the following criminal violations:
• Sexual Abuse of a Minor
• Sex Offense Second Degree
• Sex Offense Third Degree
• Sex Offense Fourth Degree
• Assault Second Degree
Hughes was transferred to the St. Mary's County Detention Center to await a bond review.