Annual Calvert Classic fundraiser set for April 1
Five years ago members of the Calvert County Sheriff's Office and the Maryland State Police Barrack "U" decided to create a fundraiser, which would raise money for a worthy cause. The fundraiser took on the shape and form of a basketball game between the two agencies. Today, the event is called the Calvert Classic and all proceeds benefit the Calvert Alliance Against Substance Abuse (CAASA). This year's game will take place on April 1st at Calvert Middle School in Prince Frederick, Maryland and the game starts at 6 pm. CAASA will be on site alongside the Health Department with a wealth of information to keep us healthy and safe. Calvert Kettle Corn will be on hand as well as the Sheriff's Office Explorers Post 91 as food vendors. This year's event is sponsored by CAASA, Maryland DARE Officer's Association, Royal Dining Services, Sweet Frog, Calvert County Sheriff's Explorers Post 91 and Calvert County Parks and Recreation.
Patuxent High Student Wins Regional Poetry Out Loud Competition
Christian Farley, a senior at Patuxent High School, won first place in the regional competition for Poetry Out Loud, held on February 20, 2016 at the College of Southern Maryland, Leonardtown campus. Christian's win marks the first time Calvert County Public Schools (CCPS) has had a first-place winner at the regional level. Christian will now compete at the Maryland State Poetry Out Loud Competition on March 12 at 1:00 p.m. at the Baltimore Museum of Art.
Christian's faculty sponsors are Lynn Powell, English teacher, and Alan Price, theater and English teacher, both of Patuxent High.
Christian was one of fourteen participants at the regional competition. The Calvert region includes Anne Arundel, Charles, Cecil, Montgomery, Prince Georges and St. Mary's counties and Baltimore City. He recited three poems: "More Lies" by Karin Gottshall, "Love's Philosophy" by Percy Bysshe Shelley and "Beautiful Wreckage" by W. D. Ehrhart.
The format of the competition changed somewhat this year. In prior years, each school system held a competition to determine the district winner, who then competed at the regional level. This year, individual schools sent first-place winners directly to the regional competition. Therefore, CCPS had four students competing at regionals. The others are Christen Holmes, Calvert High; Katelynn Csanadi-Schwartz, Huntingtown High; and Lauren Cunningham, Northern High.
Poetry Out Loud is a national poetry recitation competition sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation. The Maryland Arts Council also sponsors and facilitates Maryland's program.
Calvert County Announces First Annual Recycling Awards Program
The Calvert County Department of Public Works wants to celebrate and reward recycling excellence in Calvert County. The department is holding its first annual awards program to recognize individuals, businesses, government agencies and more for recycling ingenuity and results.
"Many businesses, organizations and institutions understand the long-term economic and environmental savings and responsibility of recycling but go quietly unnoticed," explained Calvert County Recycling Program Specialist Keith Roumfort. "We wish to formally recognize and commend recycling in Calvert County. This program will highlight the success and best practices in our community and inspire more people to actively join our efforts."
More than 30 categories will be awarded to eligible profit or non-profit businesses, agencies, organizations, institutions or individuals who operate or live in Calvert County. Eligible participants must recycle waste material generated within Calvert County and provide verifiable documentation of their efforts. The categories include education, agriculture, government, housing, private citizens and many more. Winners will be recognized with public promotions and at a ceremony with the Calvert County Board of County Commissioners.
Information to apply or nominate is located here: http://www.co.cal.md.us/recycle
Spring announcements from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center
Summer Camp ONLINE registration is now open
Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center invites the public to register their child for one of their many summer camp options. Annmarie offers an exciting selection of full and half day camps for ages 4 to 18 taught by professional educators and working artists. Annmarie camps will encourage your child to explore their creativity, discover the natural world, meet new friends, serve their community, and learn from working artists. Summers at Annmarie are active, fun, and stimulating, from preschool art camp to youth construction camps, Annmarie has a wide variety of options for every age and interest. Annmarie's camp program is certified by the State of Maryland. With their new ONLINE system, registering your child is easy! To browse all the camp options or to register, visit https://reg139.imperisoft.com/AnnmarieGarden/Search/Registration.aspx. Call 410-326-4640 for additional information.
Call for entries for Fairies in the Garden—open to all ages and abilities
Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center, in Solomons, Maryland, is accepting entries for the 7th Annual Fairies in the Garden Exhibit of all things magical—including fairy houses, fairy gardens, gnome homes, elf houses, and more! All magical creations will be placed in and around the trees and woods of the sculpture garden. If you would like to create something for this exhibit, visit www.annmariegarden.org to download the Entry Form. This opportunity is open to all ages and abilities, from beginner to professional builders. Builders will enjoy complementary admission to the opening on April 8 and passes to visit Annmarie during the exhibit, along with their name listed on the website and the label for the house. Deadline to submit an entry form is March 25. To learn more, call 410-326-4640 or email exhibits@annmariegarden.org.
Call for entries for Scarecrows: guardians of the garden—open to all ages and abilities
Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center, in Solomons, Maryland, is accepting entries for Scarecrows: guardians of the garden—including scarecrows, fall garden art, hay-men, etc. Entries can be scary, funky, or fun! All entries will be placed in and around the trees and woods of the sculpture garden. To create something for this exhibit, visit www.annmariegarden.org to download the Entry Form. This opportunity is open to all ages and abilities, from beginner to professional artist. Artists will enjoy complementary admission Annmarie during the exhibit, extra passes, as well as their name listed on the website and the label for the scarecrow. The exhibit will open September 1; the public is asked to submit their entry forms by August 1. To learn more, call 410-326-4640 or email exhibits@annmariegarden.org.
DARE truck gets upgrade
The Calvert County Sheriff's Office has made an addition to its newest DARE truck. Ritchie Gibson, owner of Tint Works Plus in Prince Frederick, graciously donated a set of WORX rims, which adds to the aesthetics of the vehicle. DARE vehicles are mobile messaging boards dedicated to educating our communities about the dangers of drugs and violence. Over the past thirty years the DARE curriculum has evolved into its current 10 lesson "Keepin' it REAL" format, which focuses on the challenges of making safe and responsible decisions in every area of our lives. The curriculum also challenges us to assess the consequences of those decisions. Whether a DARE vehicle is seen on the roadways of Calvert County, Buenos Aires, Argentina or Bahrain, it reminds kids and adults alike about their DARE officers and the important messages they were taught that have kept them free and safe from drugs and violence.