Pictured from left: Tunya Taylor, Susan Justice, Jo Ann Bowen, William Hall, Cynthia Hardesty and Carol Maloney.
The county commissioners recently recognized six county employees for their efforts to administer CPR and other life-saving actions to help a resident in distress outside Calvert Pines Senior Center.
The county's February Team Excellence Award went to Tunya Taylor, Susan Justice, Jo Ann Bowen, William Hall, Cynthia Hardesty and Carol Maloney for their combined responses to the county public transportation bus rider who fell unconscious immediately after exiting a bus Dec. 30, 2014.
Each of the employees took appropriate action responding to the resident, identifying the distress, calling 911, performing CPR and attaching an AED/defibrillator. The award stated: "These employees worked as a team, demonstrated quick and appropriate emergency response, showed true compassion and went well beyond their normal job requirements."
Free Rabies Vaccinations for Pets
The Calvert County Health Department is sponsoring rabies clinics in the coming weeks, offering free rabies vaccinations for county pets.
The free clinics are scheduled as follows:
· Saturday, April 11, Northern High School, 2950 Chaneyville Road
· Saturday, April 18, Huntingtown High School, 4125 Solomons Island Road
· Saturday, April 25, Patuxent High School, 12485 Southern Connector Blvd.
Clinics will be held from 10 a.m. to noon. Proof of prior vaccination is required to receive the three-year vaccine. Eligible pets include cats, dogs and ferrets in carriers or on leashes and muzzled if necessary. This is an open-air clinic with no special facilities to vaccinate animals that cannot be restrained (feral animals or stray animals) by their owner.
Calvert County pet licenses will also be available at the rabies clinics. Pet licenses are $7 for spayed or neutered pets (proof required) and $20 for those not spayed or neutered. A Calvert County pet license must be renewed every year and is required for all cats and dogs five months and older.
For more information, call the Calvert County Health Department at 410-535-5400 or 410-535-3922. Visit online at www.calverthealth.org.
Commission For Women Improves Opportunities
The Board of County Commissioners encourages citizens to have a voice in the policies that shape our county. Through a variety of boards, commissions and committees, voters can actively participate in local government. This year, we will highlight these groups in each edition of Calvert Currents.
The Calvert County Commission for Women (CCCW) is charged with improving opportunities for women and girls by promoting women's education and employment, being an advocate for women and girls, identifying and studying relevant issues and giving recognition. This is a hands-on commission that conducts a range of activities, including the Outstanding Achievement Awards, Title IX events, domestic violence awareness events, a free Women's Health Expo (April 25, 2015), Harriet Elizabeth Brown History Fair Awards, the annual Women of the World awards luncheon and a "clothes closet" that offers free business attire to women.
"We welcome members who want be part of a great team and make a difference for Calvert women and girls," said Commission for Women Chairperson Margaret Dunkle. "We would especially like to have a member with expertise in the trades."
There are 15 members on the commission who serve three-year terms. The commission meets monthly. For more information, email Margaret Dunkle (MargaretDunkle@aol.com). Applications may be obtained from the commissioners' office (175 Main St., Prince Frederick, Room A203), any Calvert County public library or online. For information about county boards, commissions and committees, please contact Lisa Tolomei at 410-535-1600, ext. 2214.
April Events At Calvert Marine Museum
April is Awesome at the Calvert Marine Museum with activities and programs for all members of the family. For a complete listing of events, visit the website at www.calvertmarinemuseum.com.
Wednesday, April 1 - Meet the Keepers Wife
11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Come and meet Mrs. Yeatman, the wife of William Yeatman the keeper at Drum Pt. Lighthouse from 1918-1919. Learn what life was like living in a lighthouse in the early 1900s and what the children did for entertainment. Museum admission applies.
Thursday, April 2 - Critter Talks in the Harms Gallery
11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Learn interesting facts about some of the museums animals. Get up close and learn about animals that live in the marsh and bay. You can also make a craft activity.
Friday, April 3 - Marsh Mania
11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Lets take a look in our marsh to find some signs of spring. We will play the Who Am I? game and figure out which animal you are.
Saturday, April 4 - Fossil Egg Hunt
10:00 a.m. registration. Join us for our annual fossil egg hunt where you can discover a fossil within the eggs hidden throughout the museum. Children will be divided into three age groups: 3-5, 6-8, and family group. Children should bring their own basket for collecting eggs. Participants can have their fossils identified and take them home.
Monday, April 6: Predator/Prey Day
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Come join in some fun activities as we learn about predator/prey relationships. Find out about the many ways that animals avoid falling prey to a predator and learn about their strategies.
Tuesday, April 7 and Thursday, April 9 - Sea Squirts
O is for Otter! New! Now offered twice: 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Come learn more about our playful river otters. Free drop-in program for children 18-months to three years and their caregivers.
Wednesday, April 8 - Chesapeake Bay Fiber Arts Workshop
9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Join artisans to learn new techniques about fiber arts and help support the skipjack Dee of St. Marys. Pre-registration required due to limited class size. Registration fee is $80.00 per participant and includes museum admission, two fiber art classes of your choice, and a box lunch. For information and registration visit the website at www.bit.ly//FiberArtsWorkshop. Participants may also register for half day sessions that include one fiber art class without lunch for $40. All proceeds benefit the Dee.
Saturday, April 11 OtterMania
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Come celebrate all things otter! Perfect for families with pre-school and elementary age children. Play like an otter, dance the Swim with our otter mascots, discover where otters live everywhere in the world, and learn what makes them so special. Touch the otter fur and discover why swimming outside all year is great for these water weasels. Make an otter mask to wear, or do an otter craft. Hear Ming Diaz tell otterly terrific stories and get your face painted by Ming or Piper the Clown. Admission applies; free for CMM members.
Wednesday, April 15 - Sea Squirts
O is for Otter! New! Now offered twice: 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Come learn more about our playful river otter. Free drop-in program for children 18-months to three years and their caregivers.
Thursday, April 23 - Little Minnows
Animals in Motion 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Can you walk sideways like a crab or hop like a frog? Explore animal movements while watching the river otter swim. For children ages 3 to 5 years. Members are free; $5 for non-members.