LEONARDTOWN, Md. (April 13, 2012)The St. Mary's County Bureau of Criminal Investigations (BCI) Narcotics Division has released the following incident and arrest reports. The Division is an investigative team comprised of detectives from the St. Marys County Sheriffs Office, Maryland State Police Drug Enforcement Division, and Federal Drug Agents (HIDTA Group 34). The Division was established on September 1st, 2007 and is based in St. Marys County.

PRESCRIPTION DRUG NETWORK: Vice Narcotics detectives conducted a several month long investigation into the prescription drug network that was being conducted by Robert Anthony Mister, 42, of Chesapeake, his wife Jennifer Lynn Mister, 38, of Chesapeake, and others. The investigation revealed that a large amount of prescription medication was being obtained by the group through various means and then being sold on the streets of Calvert and St. Mary's Counties. Robert Mister was arrested on two open Grand Jury indictments related to two separate incidents. During these incidents he was in possession of illegally obtained large amounts of Oxycodone. Jennifer Mister was charged with one count of Conspiracy and was arrested on an open indictment as well. A third suspect, William Edward Burch, 35, of Loveville, was arrested on a Grand Jury indictment charging him with felony drug charges to include Distribution of Oxycodone. |
POSSESSION OF CODEINE: Kevin Anthony Clarke, 25, of Pikesville, was arrested after he was indicted by Vice Narcotics detectives for Possession of Codeine with the Intent to Distribute. He was also charged with one count of conspiring with another person to distribute codeine and possession of marijuana.
POSSESSION OF COCAINE: Kenneth Edward Miller, 46, of Lexington Park, was indicted and subsequently arrested by Vice Narcotics detectives for Possession of Cocaine with the Intent to Distribute.
POSSESSION OF COCAINE: Damon Wayne Cutchember, 35, of Saint Inigoes, was indicted and subsequently arrested by Vice Narcotics detectives for Possession of Cocaine with the Intent to Distribute.
OBTAINING OXYCODONE BY FRAUD: Justin Robert Belanger, 23, of Huntington, was indicted and subsequently arrested by Vice Narcotics detectives for Obtaining Oxycodone by Fraud.

DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION: Brian Christopher Hancock, 33, of Leonardtown, was stopped by a deputy and placed under arrest for Driving under the Influence of Prescription Medication. He resisted arrest, however he was eventually placed into custody. Vice Narcotics detectives continued the investigation and found Hancock to be in possession of the following: 23 Clonazapan pills, 90 Gabapetin pills, 60.5 Alprazolam pills and 3 Suboxone pills. The female passenger, Christina Lee Calero, 32, of Bowie, was hiding a pill bottle on her person. A search of the container revealed 128 Oxycodone pills, 31 Hydrocodone pills, 4 Clonazapan pills, 1 Vyvanse pills, 2 Suboxone pills, and 7 Lorazepham pills. More than 200 additional controlled medications were also recovered from within the vehicle. Both suspects were arrested and additional charges are pending.
POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA AND OXYCODONE: Jared Lee Mansfield, 23, of Hughesville, was indicted by Vice Narcotics detectives after he was found in possession of both Marijuana and Oxycodone in sufficient quantity to indicate the intent to distribute. Also seized was $8,700 in cash. Mansfield was arrested in the State of Virginia and extradited back to St. Mary's County to face his charges.
DETENTION CENTER CONTRABAND: Vice Narcotics detectives received information that marijuana and other contraband was going to be introduced into the Detention Center to a specific inmate by Patrick Shawn Daly, Jr., a/k/a "Project." Detectives apprehended Daly as he attempted to place straws filled with marijuana and tobacco through a small hole in the window screen of an inmate's cell. A second has been identified and will be arrested as well.
POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA: Eric William Tayman, 22, of Park Hall, was arrested after being indicted for Possession of Marijuana with the Intent to Distribute and Conspiracy. He was originally held without bond.

FRAUDULENT PRESCRIPTION OPERATION: Vice Narcotics detectives identified Timothy Joseph Hamilton, 22; Thomas Wayne Hamilton, Jr., 24; Emily Catherine Humulock, 21;
(pictured at left in respective order) and another individual that has yet to be charged, as suspects in a significant fraudulent prescription operation being conducted from a Mechanicsville home. Numerous fraudulent prescriptions had been created and passed under the markings of Civista Hospital in St. Mary's, Charles, Calvert and Prince George's Counties. A search warrant was conducted on Virginia Court in Mechanicsville, Maryland and recovered were two computers, a printer/scanner, 10 prepared fraudulent prescriptions and various other items of evidence. The three listed suspects were arrested and additional charges are pending. At least one additional is still at large and an arrest is anticipated soon. |

ILLEGAL DRUG RAID: Vice Narcotics detectives received a complaint of controlled substances being sold from a Ridge home. The Target of the investigation was quickly identified as Susan Mary Wieber, a/k/a "Breezy." A search and seizure warrant was obtained and executed by the St. Mary's County Emergency Services Team, Vice Narcotics Support Team members, and Sheriff's Office K-9 Units. Percocet, Marijuana, a digital scale and related paraphernalia were recovered. Additional felony charges are pending a State's Attorney's Office review.

POSSESSION WITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTE SYNTHETIC MARIJUANA: Lakshmana Manoharon, a/k/a "Mano," 64, of Leonardtown, was indicted for Possession with Intent to Distribute Synthetic Marijuana. Undercover purchases were conducted and the execution of a search and seizure warrant on his Callaway business revealed more than $3,200 in illegal drugs and related paraphernalia.