Charles County Public Schools Superintendent James E. Richmond.
LA PLATA, Md. (February 17, 2012)—Charles County Public Schools Superintendent James E. Richmond was recently honored by the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. with a 2012 Salute to Excellence award. The awards program is part of the sororitys Educational Advancement Foundation (EAF) and honors community members that serve their communities and work to enrich the lives of others.
Richmond was nominated for the award by Alpha Kappa Alpha Inc.s Charles County chapter, Nu Zeta Omega, for his support of the organizations educational initiatives and for providing Charles County Public Schools students with opportunities to achieve academic and personal success.
This award honors people in the community that foster the growth of our youth. Mr. Richmond has supported us in our educational endeavors since he became superintendent in Charles County. We chose to honor him for his efforts in the advancements of minority achievement and for his support of children, said Miriam-Matthews Clark, Nu Zeta Omega Chapter president.
Richmond accepted the award at a luncheon held Feb. 11 in Annapolis. He credits Charles County Public Schools teachers and staff with the award for their hard work and dedication to children. I accept this award on behalf of the school system and the efforts made to promote success in the classroom and the values of lifelong learning. I commend Alpha Kappa Alphas commitment to education and the assistance they provide to students in order for them to achieve success and attain educational and career goals, Richmond said.
Clark said each chapter nominates community members for the EAF excellence awards. Richmond was one of 10 award recipients honored by Alpha Kappa Alpha at the luncheon. This is the second year for the EAF excellence awards program.
The Nu Zeta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. was chartered in 1980 and participates in several annual community events, including the Charles County Public Schools new staff reception. More than 10 Charles County Public Schools retired teachers, current teachers and administrators are active members of the local chapter. Membership is available by invitation and recommendations only.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. was founded in 1908 at Howard University in Washington, D.C. The female-based sorority strives to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, to promote unity and friendship among college women, to study and help alleviate problems concerning girls and women in order to improve their social stature and to maintain a progressive interest in college life.
For more information about Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and the EAF program, visit http://www.akaeaf.org/.
Source: Charles County Public Schools