The St. Marys College of Maryland (SMCM) Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) Circle was named a Superior Circle for the 2008-2009 academic year. The SMCM Circle has received the award annually since 2003 because of its sponsorship of two campus-wide programs that demonstrate service on campus, leadership development, faculty/student dialogue, and service to the community. Back row, left to right: Faculty adviser Katy Arnett, acting SMCM president Larry Vote, ODK faculty secretary Joanne Goldwater. Back row, left to right: Cynthia Lawson, secretary; Kelli Hill, president; Patrick Gilbert, treasurer. (Submitted photo)
ST. MARYS CITY, Md. (November 16, 2009) The St. Marys College of Maryland (SMCM) Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) Circle was named a Superior Circle for the 2008-2009 academic year. The SMCM Circle has received the award annually since 2003 because of its sponsorship of two campus-wide programs that demonstrate service on campus, leadership development, faculty/student dialogue, and service to the community. Out of 315 ODK Circles across the country, only four other Circles received the Superior Circle award for the 2008-2009 academic year.
The students in our Circle are the real troopers behind our outreach efforts, said Joanne Goldwater, ODK faculty secretary. The students are energetic, enthusiastic, and serve as wonderful role models for others. It has been a pleasure working with these devoted student leaders.
This year, St. Marys College ODK members sponsored a mentoring program at Chesapeake Charter School, in which members participated in trust walks and discussions with Chesapeake Charter School students. Participants talked about Leahs House, a local shelter for battered women and their children, and discussed the purpose and importance of the shelter and the ways in which the students could help the victims. Students at the Chesapeake Charter School designed a banner for the shelter and decorated cookies for the women and children.
SMCM members of ODK also sponsored a Girl Scout river education program, teaching a local Girl Scout troop about the St. Marys River. Girl Scouts visited the SMCM campus and ODK members took them on marsh walks, taught them about the food chain with games, and helped the girls identify fish that were seined from the St. Marys River.
The SMCM ODK Circle is made up of a diverse group of students who are phenomenal leaders, said Kelli Hill 10, club president. I am not surprised by our success due to the dedication and commitment of all the leaders. I hope that we can continue to have success in the upcoming year.
ODK is a national leadership honor society that recognizes and promotes academic excellence, leadership abilities, and exemplary character. Student members must rank in the upper 35 percent of their school and must show leadership in at least one of five areas: scholarship; athletics; campus or community service, social or religious activities, and campus government; journalism, speech, and the mass media; and creative and performing arts.