Governor Martin O'Malley presents Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron with the Governor's Security Integration Award for deploying CompStat On Demand.
Governor O'Malley's Proclamation further stated "Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron has recognized the public safety value of accurate and timely information, shared by all and is actively participating in Southern Maryland's regional on line crime mapping."
CompStat: St. Mary's County Sheriff's Transition to Data-Driven Policing, July 30, 2008
St. Marys County Hosts Teachers From Around the World
The Arts Education in Maryland Schools Alliance- AEMS, a nonprofit group, hosted teachers from throughout the United States and the world for a one-day learning excursion on Thursday, July 24, for teachers to develop arts integrated lesson plans. The primary site will be the Chesapeake Bay Field Lab at St. George Island. The groups enjoyed a local lunch at Evans Restaurant.
The visit is part of a four day Artist Teacher Institute International Conference held at the University of Maryland in College Park. The AEMS program will help teachers develop lessons that use the arts and core subject areas to increase student achievement.
The trip will bring teachers from parochial Maryland schools, and teachers from Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Italy, and Kurdistan to the Chesapeake Bay Field Lab where they will explore the regions rich mix of culture, arts, and geography. Teachers will learn how to dredge for oysters, catch blue crabs and integrate poetry and writing into the science curriculum with poet Yael Flushberg.
We are excited about this possibility to help local parochial school teachers, along with teachers from around the world, to learn about Southern Maryland through hands-on lessons, notes tour organizer Karen Acton.
Hosts for the day included the St. Marys County Tourism Office, J. F. Taylor, a local defense contractor, the St. Mary's Arts Council and the Kiwanis Club.
St. Marys County Government Opens Chesapeake Building
The Chesapeake Building was officially opened for business Tueaday, July 29, as the Board of County Commissioners for St. Marys County held its first session in the new meeting room after a brief ribbon cutting ceremony attended by current and past County Commissioners.
We are pleased to open our new administrative building on the Governmental Center campus in Leonardtown, said Jack Russell, President, Board of County Commissioners. St. Marys County Government moved into the Governmental Center thirty years ago; this new building is needed to continue to meet the expanded requirements of our growing community. This new building, to be called The Chesapeake Building, was built by a local business, Blazer Enterprises.
In addition to a new meeting room outfitted with state of the art audio-visual equipment and wireless internet access and twice the space of the former Room 14 meeting room, the new building will also house offices for the County Commissioners, County Administrator and staff, the Finance Department and the Legal Department.
The current Governmental Center, now known as the Potomac Building, will continue to house the Department of Economic and Community Development, Human Resources Department, Information Technology Department, Public Information Office, and the new Department of Human Services.
Mail for all county departments can continue to be mailed to St. Marys County Governmental Center, Post Office Box 653, Leonardtown, MD. The physical address for the new building is 41770 Baldridge Street, Leonardtown.