LA PLATA, Md. - Three new trustees have been appointed to the College of Southern Maryland Board of Trustees, effective immediately. Mary Maddox Krug of Calvert County, Dorothea Holt Smith of Charles County and Janice T. Walthour of St. Mary's County have been appointed by Gov. Martin J. O'Malley to fill vacancies on the board.
CSM's Board of Trustees is the governing body providing leadership and oversight of the college's mission and policies. Members are appointed by the governor for five-year terms, and by 2010 the board will consist of nine members, with Calvert, Charles and St. Mary's counties to be equally represented.

Her previous public service has included Maryland Association of Counties, officer and board member; Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee, vice chair; Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Commission; task force to revise Article 66B, Maryland Code; Institute for Governmental Service, University of Maryland, member and chair; Local Government Insurance Trust, Board of Trustees; Tri-County Council of Southern Maryland; Calvert County Democratic Central Committee; and education committee, transition teams for Parris Glendening and Martin O'Malley.
She has been involved with the PTA, Calvert County Children's Council, Calvert Crusade for Children Board of Directors, Calvert Marine Museum Board, and the Parks and Recreation advisory council. Presently she serves with Success by 6 Leadership Council (chair, 2000-2006); Calvert Memorial Hospital Board of Directors, secretary; New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, elder; and Leadership in Action Task force for Southern Maryland to improve school readiness (Casey Foundation).

Since her retirement Smith has been active in numerous civic and community organizations, including serving as a county appointee on the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Citizens Advisory Committee on the Waldorf Upgrade/Bypass Study. Presently she serves on the Charles County Retired School Personnel Association Executive Board, the Charles County Sheriff's Citizens Advisory Committee, the Hospice of Charles County Ethics Board, the African American Heritage Society of Charles County, and the Substance Abuse Advisory Coalition.
Smith is active with the American Cancer Society, participating in the county's annual Relay for Life as a team captain, a member of the relay planning committee and as the event's co-chair in 2002, 2003 and 2006.

Walthour worked in the public schools for 36 years as a teacher, resource teacher, assistant principal, principal and coordinator of academic intervention programs. She served as principal of George Washington Carver Elementary School for 15 years.
Previously Walthour has served on the St. Mary's County Family Assistance Center board of directors, vice-president of the Tri-County Youth Services Bureau board of directors, St. Mary's Hospital board of directors; secretary for the board and chair of the Public Relations Committee, and the transition team for newly elected county commissioners; and the Community Affairs Committee of St. Mary's County. A member of the Democratic Central Committee, Walthour was a delegate to the 1980 Democratic National Convention, and voter registration chair for the Committee to Elect Joseph Lee Somerville Sheriff of St. Mary's County, first African American Sheriff in Maryland and eighth in the United States.
Currently Walthour serves as president of the county's Unified Committee for Afro American Contributions (UCAC), which is responsible for erecting the African American Monument of St. Mary's County, and co-chair of the education committee for the St. Mary's County Branch of the NAACP. Walthour is a member of St. Peter Claver Catholic Church, St. Inigoes, where she is coordinator of Children's Religious Education. She and her husband Larry live in Lexington Park.
Other CSM trustees are Chair Joseph F. Shannon Jr. of La Plata, Vice Chair James K. Raley Jr. of Hollywood, Charles R. Bailey Jr. and MacArthur Jones of Calvert County, and Robert L. Healy and Sarah L. Barley of Charles County. Serving as secretary/treasurer to the board is CSM President Dr. Brad Gottfried. To become effective July 1, the governor also appointed Michael L. Middleton of Charles County.
For information on CSM, visit .